\’\’He did me the biggest favor in life by making me his MRS\’\’- Sex therapist, Angela Nwosu, showers her husband with encomium on social media

Sex therapist, Angela Nwosu, was all about her husband on her Facebook page today June 8.

In an epistle she shared on her page, Angela who is expecting their first child, expressed her gratitude to God for finding her husband whom she said she would rather be dead than living a life without him in it.

According to her, her life is nothing without him. She appreciated him for picking her among all the \’\’good girls\’\’ and \’\’wife material\’\’ girls. She stated that she will forever be thankful to her husband for marrying her. According to her, he did her the biggest favour by making her his Mrs.

\’\’I adore my husband, with reckless abandon!

My husband, you know my life is nothing, without you. All the treasures and luxuries in the world would mean nothing without you. Without you, I am a loser. I would rather be dead, than live a life without you, Soundmind, I swear. This is way deeper, and you know it. You have shown me the pure and undiluted pleasure of true love.

Soundmind, you picked me, out of all the ‘good girls’. You picked me, out of all the ‘wife materials’. You picked me, upon everything they told you about me. All the discouraging words and lies they told you about me, yet, you insisted it would be me or no one else.

I met you and realized that a human being can be the God we see. You are the God I know on earth, and I will worship, respect and adore you till my last breath. Sometimes, I look at you and lack words to describe how much you mean to me and how grateful I am to God of creation, for leading me to you, my human God. No matter how much I write about you, people won’t understand how very deep, what we have is. It’s not just physical, it’s spiritual.

What did I ever do in this life, to deserve a flawless being like you? God!

Baba, you think you are successful now, right? Wait, just wait, because, you haven’t seen anything, yet. You will be so successful in life that people will start questioning your success, people will wonder how and what you did, to get to such level. The universe has placed the longest ladder of success for you, and you haven’t even started climbing.

Mother Earth will bless the grounds you walk on. The earth’s elements will make ways for you, tremendously. All my essence as a woman, I will continuously use to wish you well and they will keep manifesting in your life. The odds will be at your beck and call.

Thank you, Nnaemeka Soundmind Austin

Chukwu gozibe gi 

I will live every day of my life, thankful to my husband for marrying me. He did me the biggest favor in life by making me his MRS \’\’

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