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A candidate for president who fails to disclose the origin of his wealth is unfit to serve


Factual Pursuit of Truth for Progress

The core foundation of a democratic institution is the hypothetical social contract between the people and its rulers. According to the Greek philosopher Plato, it is the idea that a state exists only to serve the will of the people, who are the source of all political power enjoyed by the state. Politicians are elected to serve the people, and when their interest runs counter to the public interest, democracy is undermined, and the people suffer for it.

Thus a politician whose source of wealth is shrouded in mystery must not be allowed to step within a mile of power.

For decades, Nigerian politicians vying for any political office have paid lip service to the yearnings of the citizens who questioned the source of their big money. They promise heaven and earth to distract from the pertinent question that asked the origin of their enormous wealth. When quarried, they’ll usually dismiss the question or obfuscate, and most voters lacking curiosity accept and move on.

The concern remains and will always be that a corrupt person will always be corrupt once given power. If not doubly corrupt. Making the saying “power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely” very practicable in the Nigerian context. Because once a Nigerian politician ascends a political throne, he becomes drunken with power, unaccountable, willful financial misappropriation, and engage in grubby power grab which the law has not given him while leaving the people he leads in constant despair and in perpetual beggarly state.

Once in power, the politician greed knows no boundary. Only family, friends, and stooges benefit from his betrayal and thievery.

If his wealth were via dishonest, crooked, scandalous, and corrupt means, he will most certainly continue his shameless feat once elected. He will be assuredly absolutely corrupt. His evil deeds and traits pervade his government. His cabinet will be corrupt, his administration will be corrupt, and everyone will turn a blind eye to the other’s misdeeds. All feasting on the nation’s commonwealth while national growth is stymied and lethargic to the masses who desperately need it.

Because the masses have not been probing the wealth of politicians or taking the source of many nouveau riche aspirants seriously, candidates for political offices have seized on the people’s apathetic and unbothered attitude to steal elections through vote-buying, malfeasance, and election rigging; All with money acquired through unscrupulous means.

This dark and dirty money permeates the entire political system, mainly used to stuff the ballot boxes, buy votes from naively hungry voters. N500, a few pounds of long grain rice, or a few packs of “indomie” will do. To bribing election officials. Practically corrupting the system and our most desired public office. The apex of our national service sold to the highest corrupt bidder.

Consequently, the candidate or party who perfects the art of electoral fraud wins the seat. And the nation suffers for this national and civic robbery.

These continued disgusting practices have made the average Nigerian politician brazen and unaccountable. Infesting our body polity with crude perpetual affliction. It is unassailable and irrefutable that corrupt politicians have hindered Nigeria’s growth. Pilfered the people’s hopes and dreams and now bent on stealing our future. Unequivocally, their rotten thieving character has kept us in a state of perpetual affliction. They have ravaged our country and set ablaze every national pride we have in it. Their corrupting influence has eaten into the national fabric that we have lost all trust in government and now in the private sector and ourselves.

Because corrupt politicians and public officers continued to torment us, we must attack this national malady from every angle if we must get well. This includes demanding that aspiring public officers, including presidential candidates, disclose their wealth’s origin. If found that their source of wealth is questionable or unverifiable, this should automatically disqualify them and make them unsuited for the sacred office they seek and unfit to serve the good people of Nigeria in any capacity. Now is the time to start the healing of our nation. Beginning from this 2023 presidential campaign season.

The author is a Social Justice advocate and current president of the

League for Social Justice

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @Obanor



News Update?Osun Governorship Election Petition Tribunal Sitting Begins October 26

Latest Politics updatein nigeria

Osun State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal will on October 26 begin a full hearing of the petition filed by Governor Adegboyega Oyetola of the All Progressives Congress (APC) against the declaration of Senator Ademola Adeleke as governor-elect.

Lifestyle Nigeria reports that the tribunal made this pronouncement after concluding the pre-hearing session on Thursday.

The tribunal was asked to dismiss the applications of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), seeking the discontinuation of the petition brought to it by Governor Oyetola.

Counsel for Oyetola and the APC, Lasun Sanusi, SAN, at the sitting of the tribunal argued that Adeleke’s, PDP’s and INEC’s reliance on a Federal Court High judgment was nothing but an abuse of court process.

Sanusi argued this while replying to separate applications of the trio, seeking the dismissal of the petition based on the already appealed Federal High Court judgment disqualifying Oyetola from contesting the election.

Citing Supreme Court decisions in the case of Jegede Vs INEC, 2021, 14NWLR, Pt 1797, page 409, the counsel said the court had ruled that the signatories to the letter conveying the nomination of a candidate were not the nominators; rather, the nomination was done by party members at the congress, hence, the judgment could not stand.

Meanwhile, the counsel for INEC, Prof. Paul Ananaba, SAN; counsel for Adeleke, Onyechi Ikpeazu, SAN and counsel for the PDP, Dr. Alex Izinyon, SAN, agreed that any decision the tribunal would take on the matter would have to wait until the Appeal Court and the Supreme Court decided on it.

They noted that they just decided to argue the applications to have it on record, a position which the tribunal agreed with and put on record.

Also, in other applications totalling nine by the three respondents, they asked the tribunal to strike out some paragraphs of the petition on the grounds that they were either lumped together or not related to the 2022 election.

In response to each of the applications, Sanusi said all the cases cited by the respondents were misconceived, adding that they were not applicable in the instance case.

He cited the case of INEC Vs Otti, 2016, 8NWLR, where the Supreme Court hinted that INEC was supposed to be neutral, arguing that all the processes filed before the panel have not portrayed the commission’s neutrality.

Sanusi further argued that the applications filed by the respondents were only meant to prevent the tribunal from focusing on hearing the petition on merit, asking the panel to dismiss the applications.

Subsequently, counsel for all parties in the matter agreed to begin the full hearing starting with the calling of witnesses on October 26.

In his ruling, the tribunal declared the pre-hearing session concluded and announced that the pre-hearing conference report would be presented on October 17.

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NEWS UPDATE?Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)

%title% Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos) Lifestyle Nigeria

Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)

The remains of Flight Lieutenant Chapele Ebiakpo, one of the pilots of the NAF Alpha-Jet aircraft that crashed in Maiduguri, Borno state on March 31, 2021, have been laid to rest.


It will be recalled that the Nigerian Air Force fighter jet was declared missing on 31 March 2021 after losing radar contact. The crash site was later discovered and the bodies of the two pilots onboard the ill-fated jet were recovered. The pilots were on the battlefield fight Boko Haram members when the jet crashed.


On Thursday, October 13, friends and family members of the Late Ebiakpo gathered together at the National Military cemetery to bid him farewell. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.


See more photos from the funeral below…


Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)




<p>The post Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos) first appeared on Lifestyle Nigeria.</p>

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Phyna Bbnaija; Biography, Net Worth, Date Of Birth, Age, State Of Origin & Career – Lifestyle Nigeria

Real Name: Ijeoma Josephina

Stage Name: Phyna Bbnaija

Date Of Birth: 1997


Age: 25 years old

Profession: Actress

Nationality: Nigerian

State Of Origin: Edo State

Net Worth: $15K dollars

Details About Phyna Bbnaija

Phyna is currently 25 years old and she was born in the Nigerian state of Edo. Ijeoma Josephina is the correct spelling of her given name. She recounted herself as being the one who bring the ginger and the vibes to Biggie’s residence.


READ ALSO: BBNaija S7: Tega Makes U-turn About Phyna&#8217;s Loud Behaviour, Issues PSA


Phyna Bbnaija Date Of Birth

Phyna Bbnaija was born in the year 1997 in the Nigerian state of Edo. As of the time that this article about Phyna’s BBnaija biography and net worth was written, she had not yet reached her 25th birthday.

What is the net worth of Phyna Bbnaija?

At the time of writing, phyna bbnaija’s net worth was calculated at $15,000.


There is still a lot of work to be done in this article. I’ll get to it as quickly as I can. Please share and leave a comment

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