The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has denied withdrawing from the race. Tinubu posted a short Update of himself on a treadmill on Sunday evening, in a bid to debunk rumours making the rounds. The former Lagos State Governor wrote alongside it: “Many have said I have died; others […]
BREAKING: 2023: I have not withdrawn from presidential race – Tinubu breaks silence
The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has denied withdrawing from the race.
Tinubu posted a short Update of himself on a treadmill on Sunday evening, in a bid to debunk rumours making the rounds.
The former Lagos State Governor wrote alongside it: “Many have said I have died; others claim I have withdrawn from the presidential campaign.
“Well… Nope.
“This is the reality: I am strong, I am healthy and I am READY to serve Nigerians from Day One.”
BREAKING: 2023: I have not withdrawn from presidential race – Tinubu breaks silence