FG Warns Nigerians After Lockdown Ease, Says Danger Ahead


Boss Mustapha

The Federal Government has expressed displeasure at the way Nigerians have been flouting the guidelines given to help curb the spread of COVID-19 since the lockdown was eased.

Recall that President Buhari announced the ease to the lockdown which he ordered to begin on May 4.

SGF Boss Mustapha, the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 lamented the lack of compliance which mow points to danger ahead.

He said, “The overall assessment of compliance with the measures and outcomes of modelling we have developed, point in the direction of danger ahead. We therefore need personal discipline, increased awareness and enforcement.

“I want to reiterate the fact that our individual and collective safety is in our hands and I re-echo my call and appeal to Nigerians to demonstrate our duty to ourselves and loved ones by minimising the risk of getting infected by the virus.”

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FG Warns Nigerians After Lockdown Ease, Says Danger Ahead

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