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20 Simple Things To Do To Avoid Heartbreak In Relationship


There are many things you can do to avoid heartbreak in your relationship. Although Love is a beautiful thing, yet you need to put somethings into consideration if you truly want your relationship to be free of heartbreaks.


As money is the lubricant that oils the wheels of the gospel, so also love is the power house and engine room of a successful relationship.


Love adds salt to food. It adds taste to a tasteless situation. It adds cold water to a thirsty soul and above all, it gives hope to the heart and mind of those that have long forgotten it.


Source: zoosk

Despite all these, you are still likely to experience heartbreak at some point in your life unless you are willing to isolate yourself completely from the market of relationship and marriage.


Photo Credit: EduardGurevich/Thinkstock

This is because no one can live a happy and fulfilling life in isolation.


Source: Tony Robbins

However, what doesn’t have to happen once your heart has been broken is for you to heap more heartbreak on top of it. There are some common mistakes people make that add insult to injury, so to speak.

Things To Do To Avoid Heartbreak


Photo Credit: Mandy Hale

1. Know What You Want


Source: Be Yourself

When it comes to relationships, you have to know the type of relationship and partner you want and head towards the direction of your needs. Never settle for less than you deserve. Most people believe they can change a person, but this assumption is wrong.


Life Hacks

No one can be changed except they want to be changed. It is really difficult to change a person. As the saying goes: “you can take the donkey to the stream, but you cannot force it to drink the water.” So know what you really want and who should be your ideal partner. When things are clear in your mind, it will affect your dating at well.

2. Be Sure Of The Relationship 


Going on dates before deciding to be in a relationship is a way to avoid getting your heartbroken. Instead of being quick to label your relationship with the other person, spend some casual time doing fun activities together, such as dining out, walking in the park or going bowling. These lightweight dates will help you determine if your date is a good fit or not.

3. Don’t Be Too Emotionally Attached


Source: PMLDaily

When you date someone, don’t be too emotionally in love. Be a tad more practical while dating. If you get too emotional, then there are chances you would suffer if it does not work out in future. So, don’t get too attached to the person in life. Just go with the flow of the moment. If it’s for life, then you would know for sure.

4. Communicate Often And Openly


Source: The dating mix

Communication is the backbone of every relationship. Understand that everything you do is sending a message which people will try to decipher into information. The expressions you wear on your face, the way you walk, and your words are all forms of communication.
Speak with the person; communicate your feelings clearly and don’t be vague or send “hints”, as these could be misconstrued.

5. Willingness To Compromise


Source: Shutterstock

You really need to be able to show a willingness to compromise whenever you are dating someone. You have to understand that relationships are always going to require two people coming together and meeting each other halfway. And if you want to give your relationship a shot, you need to be willing to adjust a little bit.

6. Listen And Observe


Source: Very well mind

To avoid wasting your time on any meaningless relationship you have to be an observer. People reveal who they are by what they say and how they behave. You just have to pay attention to the details about them.

Their past relationships particularly tell what they are capable of. If they can break the heart of their ex, what makes you different? Do not assume “we have a connection” and ignore all the red flags. However, if you think that your man is playing away, then ask him for the truth, because if you ignore it, it will only make the inevitable breakup even more painful when it comes.

7. Don’t Rush Into Things



Take things steady, even when you think you have met the One you want to spend the rest of your life with, don’t rush into things so as not to be disappointed as times goes on. The idea of whirlwind romances sounds wonderful, but they rarely go the distance. If he is really  the One, then he’s not going to mind you taking things slowly at first.

8. Invest More On Yourself And Your Goal


Source: Rashon Carraway

Don’t get carried away with that relationship that you forget to take care of yourself. Remember no one wish to settle down with a liability. Invest more in your career and become an irresistible person to your partner. Also, don’t lose sight of your own goals, love is great and it is a wonderful feeling, but it shouldn’t be the only thing in your life.

Keep your hobbies, interests and follow your own dreams, because you are more than just the other half of a relationship. Your life is your own and, so long as you never lose sight of that, you will always have something else to concentrate on, if love doesn’t quite work out the way you had hoped it would.

9.  Regularly Check Up On Each Other


Source: Mauro Grigollo/stocksy

Learn to check in on one another on a regular basis with regards to your feelings and thoughts about the relationship. There are plenty of people out there who just keep their ill feelings and negative emotions to themselves. And what ends up happening is that it deteriorates the relationship even further. It can drive two people further apart.

10. Don’t Expect Too Much


Source: Bustle

It may be fun to fantasize about perfect situations, but expecting these to become a reality will only bring heartache. Learning to accept a person the way they are – flaws and all – is important in a relationship. Understand that you may end up in difficult situations with them, or you both may make mistakes. However, the key is to work through your problems together, as well as finding the lesson in every circumstance.

You need to stay realistic with your expectations. The more overblown your expectations are, the likelier it is that you are going to end up getting hurt. Even if you have set your own expectations for one another, it is important that you be honest and open about them with each other. Your partner is not a mind-reader. And they are not going to be able to fulfill your expectations unless you communicate it to them in a very clear and honest manner.

11. Listen To What Other People Are Saying


Source: Shutterstock

You can date whoever you want, but it is still wise to listen to what other people say about your man. If your friends and family don’t seem to like your guy, there could be very good reasons for that. Sometimes, people who are not in the relationship can see far more, than the person who is in love.

Always pay attention to what your family and friends have to say about your relationship. Naturally, you would always be the one who makes the final decision with regards to your love life. But you always want to be opening yourself up to an outsider’s perspective. They might be seeing a few things that you’re missing.

12. Talk About The Relationship




When you are starting to feel that the relationship could be really going places, make sure that he feels the same way. Try and find out what his plans for the future are, and tell him how you are feeling about the relationship. You don’t want to find yourself saying: ‘But I thought you wanted the same things as I do’.

13. Accept The Situation


Source: Classic Ghana

You must always keep an open mind in life whether in things or in relationships. When you date with an open mind, things would be much easier for you. So, accept the situation according to the status of the relationship. If you and your partner are meant to be together, this would be a long term commitment. And, if it does not happen, then accept the situation so that you will save yourself from heartbreak.

14. Realize That Relationships Change


Be aware that all Relationship Changes Source: Mindbodygreen

People are not stagnant; they move around and change their minds and beliefs. Understand that the dynamic of your relationship will change over time. Learn to appreciate the change for what it is. Pining over what it was like in the beginning of your relationship will hurt you in the end.

15. Don’t Base Your Relationship On Sex


Relationship must not be base on sex Source: Medical News Today

The bitter truth is that you can’t use sex to tie him down and don’t be deceived having sex before marriage is not a symbol of love but lust. So don’t open your legs but your brain and eyes in a relationship. Although, there are plenty of couples out there who have sex early in the relationship and are still able to make their relationships last.

It is perfectly possible to have sex early on and still have a long-term relationship with one another. However, when you have sex with someone early on, it can cloud your inhibitions. Sex can lead you to behave and assess things in a very biased manner that may not be good for you.

16. Watch Out For Red Flags


Red Flags In Relationship Source: Youtube

If you want to avoid heartbreak in a relationship, then watch out for red flags in the relationship. You would know whether you have a bright future with your partner or not. Red flags such as an abusive relationship or lack of respect will let you know the future of the relationship. A love relationship is about love, understanding and companionship, so do watch out for these things.

17. Don’t Be Afraid To Walk Away


Walk Away If The Relationship Is Not It Source: pinch of attitude

Above all, if you know that things just aren’t right for you, then make sure that you find the strength and willpower to walk away. Be honest with yourself. If things just aren’t meant to be, then there is no point in forcing the issue. Don’t invest yourself further and further into something that you know isn’t going to last anyway. Remember some relationships are for a reason, others are for a season. Only a few are for a lifetime. If doesn’t work out, don’t kill yourself. Discover the purpose and move on.

18. Don’t Go Into Rebound Dating


rebound dating Source: bustle

While it is important to move on and be around other people, beware of rebound dating. Rebound dating is when you jump into a new relationship without getting to know the person in the hopes that this new relationship will heal your broken heart. Unfortunately, rebound dating usually results in another break up and more heart-break.

Examine Yourself If You Are The problem 


Are You The Problem In The Relationship? Source: Hey Sigmund

Remember that in a relationship, it always takes two to tango. And you have to consider the possibility that probably you are the cause for your own heartbreak. Try to see what role you have played in all of your previous relationships and assess how your actions could have contributed to your heartbreaking experiences and try to see if you are the problems in all your relationship

Work On Your Weaknesses


Source: Youtube

A broken heart should never be experienced by anyone. You need to sit down and analyze your weaknesses in relationships. No one ever wants to buy a broken phone; they would rather wait until they can afford a new phone. The same concept applies to relationships; no one wants to date a broken partner. Many people believe that heartbreak can never be avoided but if you work on your weaknesses you are most likely to protect yourself.



News Update?Osun Governorship Election Petition Tribunal Sitting Begins October 26

Latest Politics updatein nigeria

Osun State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal will on October 26 begin a full hearing of the petition filed by Governor Adegboyega Oyetola of the All Progressives Congress (APC) against the declaration of Senator Ademola Adeleke as governor-elect.

Lifestyle Nigeria reports that the tribunal made this pronouncement after concluding the pre-hearing session on Thursday.

The tribunal was asked to dismiss the applications of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), seeking the discontinuation of the petition brought to it by Governor Oyetola.

Counsel for Oyetola and the APC, Lasun Sanusi, SAN, at the sitting of the tribunal argued that Adeleke’s, PDP’s and INEC’s reliance on a Federal Court High judgment was nothing but an abuse of court process.

Sanusi argued this while replying to separate applications of the trio, seeking the dismissal of the petition based on the already appealed Federal High Court judgment disqualifying Oyetola from contesting the election.

Citing Supreme Court decisions in the case of Jegede Vs INEC, 2021, 14NWLR, Pt 1797, page 409, the counsel said the court had ruled that the signatories to the letter conveying the nomination of a candidate were not the nominators; rather, the nomination was done by party members at the congress, hence, the judgment could not stand.

Meanwhile, the counsel for INEC, Prof. Paul Ananaba, SAN; counsel for Adeleke, Onyechi Ikpeazu, SAN and counsel for the PDP, Dr. Alex Izinyon, SAN, agreed that any decision the tribunal would take on the matter would have to wait until the Appeal Court and the Supreme Court decided on it.

They noted that they just decided to argue the applications to have it on record, a position which the tribunal agreed with and put on record.

Also, in other applications totalling nine by the three respondents, they asked the tribunal to strike out some paragraphs of the petition on the grounds that they were either lumped together or not related to the 2022 election.

In response to each of the applications, Sanusi said all the cases cited by the respondents were misconceived, adding that they were not applicable in the instance case.

He cited the case of INEC Vs Otti, 2016, 8NWLR, where the Supreme Court hinted that INEC was supposed to be neutral, arguing that all the processes filed before the panel have not portrayed the commission’s neutrality.

Sanusi further argued that the applications filed by the respondents were only meant to prevent the tribunal from focusing on hearing the petition on merit, asking the panel to dismiss the applications.

Subsequently, counsel for all parties in the matter agreed to begin the full hearing starting with the calling of witnesses on October 26.

In his ruling, the tribunal declared the pre-hearing session concluded and announced that the pre-hearing conference report would be presented on October 17.

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NEWS UPDATE?Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)

%title% Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos) Lifestyle Nigeria

Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)

The remains of Flight Lieutenant Chapele Ebiakpo, one of the pilots of the NAF Alpha-Jet aircraft that crashed in Maiduguri, Borno state on March 31, 2021, have been laid to rest.


It will be recalled that the Nigerian Air Force fighter jet was declared missing on 31 March 2021 after losing radar contact. The crash site was later discovered and the bodies of the two pilots onboard the ill-fated jet were recovered. The pilots were on the battlefield fight Boko Haram members when the jet crashed.


On Thursday, October 13, friends and family members of the Late Ebiakpo gathered together at the National Military cemetery to bid him farewell. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.


See more photos from the funeral below…


Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)




<p>The post Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos) first appeared on Lifestyle Nigeria.</p>

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Phyna Bbnaija; Biography, Net Worth, Date Of Birth, Age, State Of Origin & Career – Lifestyle Nigeria

Real Name: Ijeoma Josephina

Stage Name: Phyna Bbnaija

Date Of Birth: 1997


Age: 25 years old

Profession: Actress

Nationality: Nigerian

State Of Origin: Edo State

Net Worth: $15K dollars

Details About Phyna Bbnaija

Phyna is currently 25 years old and she was born in the Nigerian state of Edo. Ijeoma Josephina is the correct spelling of her given name. She recounted herself as being the one who bring the ginger and the vibes to Biggie’s residence.


READ ALSO: BBNaija S7: Tega Makes U-turn About Phyna&#8217;s Loud Behaviour, Issues PSA


Phyna Bbnaija Date Of Birth

Phyna Bbnaija was born in the year 1997 in the Nigerian state of Edo. As of the time that this article about Phyna’s BBnaija biography and net worth was written, she had not yet reached her 25th birthday.

What is the net worth of Phyna Bbnaija?

At the time of writing, phyna bbnaija’s net worth was calculated at $15,000.


There is still a lot of work to be done in this article. I’ll get to it as quickly as I can. Please share and leave a comment

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20 Simple Things To Do To Avoid Heartbreak In Relationship

Princess Chidinma Popularly Known As Princess Salt Leaks Out Her Dancing Update On Media. (SEE) – Lifestyle Nigeria

Princess Chidimma Agunobi, popularly referred to as Princess Salt, is a Nigerian actress, model, brand ambassador and enterprenuer.

The stunning woman shared stunning pictures of herself and followed it with dancing Update to her fans in order to display her magnificence.

She likes to flaunt her glitz on social media, and this time she was successful by posing in a chic outfit. The excitement of her followers when they saw her post knew no bounds, and they immediately made comments.

This time, she was dressed in a sleeveless top, trouser that emphasized her features, tastefully done makeup, a pair of sneakers and scarf that enhanced her facial beauty, she is the epitome of beauty due to her curvaceous figure.

Immediately she posted the images to her Instagram page for fans And leak out the Update still, admirers, and other internet users to see they quickly reacted in the comment section.

Update Below..

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News Update?Osun Governorship Election Petition Tribunal Sitting Begins October 26

Latest Politics updatein nigeria

Osun State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal will on October 26 begin a full hearing of the petition filed by Governor Adegboyega Oyetola of the All Progressives Congress (APC) against the declaration of Senator Ademola Adeleke as governor-elect.

Lifestyle Nigeria reports that the tribunal made this pronouncement after concluding the pre-hearing session on Thursday.

The tribunal was asked to dismiss the applications of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), seeking the discontinuation of the petition brought to it by Governor Oyetola.

Counsel for Oyetola and the APC, Lasun Sanusi, SAN, at the sitting of the tribunal argued that Adeleke’s, PDP’s and INEC’s reliance on a Federal Court High judgment was nothing but an abuse of court process.

Sanusi argued this while replying to separate applications of the trio, seeking the dismissal of the petition based on the already appealed Federal High Court judgment disqualifying Oyetola from contesting the election.

Citing Supreme Court decisions in the case of Jegede Vs INEC, 2021, 14NWLR, Pt 1797, page 409, the counsel said the court had ruled that the signatories to the letter conveying the nomination of a candidate were not the nominators; rather, the nomination was done by party members at the congress, hence, the judgment could not stand.

Meanwhile, the counsel for INEC, Prof. Paul Ananaba, SAN; counsel for Adeleke, Onyechi Ikpeazu, SAN and counsel for the PDP, Dr. Alex Izinyon, SAN, agreed that any decision the tribunal would take on the matter would have to wait until the Appeal Court and the Supreme Court decided on it.

They noted that they just decided to argue the applications to have it on record, a position which the tribunal agreed with and put on record.

Also, in other applications totalling nine by the three respondents, they asked the tribunal to strike out some paragraphs of the petition on the grounds that they were either lumped together or not related to the 2022 election.

In response to each of the applications, Sanusi said all the cases cited by the respondents were misconceived, adding that they were not applicable in the instance case.

He cited the case of INEC Vs Otti, 2016, 8NWLR, where the Supreme Court hinted that INEC was supposed to be neutral, arguing that all the processes filed before the panel have not portrayed the commission’s neutrality.

Sanusi further argued that the applications filed by the respondents were only meant to prevent the tribunal from focusing on hearing the petition on merit, asking the panel to dismiss the applications.

Subsequently, counsel for all parties in the matter agreed to begin the full hearing starting with the calling of witnesses on October 26.

In his ruling, the tribunal declared the pre-hearing session concluded and announced that the pre-hearing conference report would be presented on October 17.

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NEWS UPDATE?Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)

%title% Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos) Lifestyle Nigeria

Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)

The remains of Flight Lieutenant Chapele Ebiakpo, one of the pilots of the NAF Alpha-Jet aircraft that crashed in Maiduguri, Borno state on March 31, 2021, have been laid to rest.


It will be recalled that the Nigerian Air Force fighter jet was declared missing on 31 March 2021 after losing radar contact. The crash site was later discovered and the bodies of the two pilots onboard the ill-fated jet were recovered. The pilots were on the battlefield fight Boko Haram members when the jet crashed.


On Thursday, October 13, friends and family members of the Late Ebiakpo gathered together at the National Military cemetery to bid him farewell. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.


See more photos from the funeral below…


Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos)




<p>The post Nigeria Air Force who died in the crashed NAF Alpha-jet that crashed in Borno state laid to rest (photos) first appeared on Lifestyle Nigeria.</p>

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