24 Fashion Quotes from Famous Trendsetters

Here are Fashion Quotes from Famous Trendsetters…
\”Happy girls are the prettiest girls.\” – Audrey Hepburn

\”A woman is never sexier than when she is comfortable in her own clothes.\” – Vera Wang

\”As far as I\’m concerned, leopard is a neutral.\”
– Jenna Lyons

\”A woman is closest to being naked when she is well-dressed.\” – Coco Chanel

\”When a woman says, \’I have nothing to wear!\’ what she really means is, \’There\’s nothing here for who I\’m supposed to be today.\” – Caitlin Moran

\”Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too)…. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans. It\’s up to you.\” –Karl

\”Fashion is the armor to survive everyday life.\” – Bill Cunningham

\”I like being a woman, even in a man\’s world. After all, men can\’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.\” – Whitney Houston

**\”Whoever said that money can\’t buy happiness simply didn\’t know where to go shopping.\” – Bo Derek

\”If you can\’t be better than your competition, just dress better.\” – Anna Wintour

\”Trendy is the last stage before tacky.\” – Karl Lagerfeld

\”Style is primarily a matter of instinct.\” – Bill Blass

\”I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect—they are much more interesting.\” – Marc Jacobs

\”The most important thing to remember is that you can wear all the greatest clothes and all the greatest shoes, but you\’ve got to have a good spirit on the inside.\” – Alicia Keys

\”Even if I\’m completely unsure, I\’ll pretend I know exactly what I\’m talking about and make a decision.\” – Anna Wintour

\”So soon as a fashion is universal, it is out-of-date.\” – Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

\”Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys, they\’d just walk around naked at all times.\” – Betsey Johnson

\”Dressing well is a form of good manners.\” – Tom Ford

\”You can never be overdressed or overeducated.\” – Oscar Wilde

\”Buy less, choose well, and do it yourself!\” – Vivienne Westwood

\”I like my money right where I can see it: Hanging in my closet.\” – Carrie Bradshaw

\”Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than to merely keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world\’s view of us.\” – Virgina Woolf

\”You\’re considered superficial and silly if you are interested in fashion….But I think you can be substantial and still be interested in frivolity.\” – Sofia Coppola

\”Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.\” – Oscar Wilde

\”Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.\” – Rachel Zoe

\”Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.\” – Jean Cocteau

\”Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.\” – Marc Jacobs

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