5 Men Storm Bank ATM In Diapers, Causes A Stir Online Amid Sakawa Fears | VIDEO

5 Men Storm Bank ATM In Diapers, Causes A Stir Online Amid Ritual Fears | VIDEO

5 Men Storm Bank ATM In Diapers, Causes A Stir Online Amid Ritual Fears | VIDEO

Five strong men have been caught on video wearing baby diapers to a local Bank ATM to withdraw money.

The viral video sighted by Lifestyle.ng has caused a stir among netizens as fear of them being involved in money rituals sparks.

The video captures five strong men dressed in nothing but baby diapers. They had a strapped bag around their neck.

All of the five men were holding their ATM cards ready to cash out at the ATM while they wait in line for their turn.

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Source: Lifestyle.ng

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