7 Hilarious Myths Every Nigerian Child Was Told Growing Up

Myths are strange stories. Growing up there were a lot of fairy tales and stuffs we were told, that as we grew older, wiser, learnt more science and truth about the world realize were false and fake. Although, we hold no grudges against anyone for feeding and bamboozling our young minds with such fallacies and myths, we only wish they had done better.


\"KidsFor throwback Thursday today, we decide to juggle your memory a bit and take you back to relive some of those childhood stories and myths. If you laugh at any point, remember to leave a comment and of course a tip.

1. India beating Nigeria 99 -1 in a football game.\"\"

\"\"Okay, whoever spinned this tale definitely deserves a place in the Guiness Book of Records, because only the creative liar and crook could have cooked this up. And worse sold it to others, who fervently believe this truly happened. If you’re still part of those who believe this, there’s a Baba I know who’s good at washing heads and brains with black soap.

2. When it’s raining and the sun is out, a lioness has given birth.\"\"

\"\"Really? Like really? Wait though, how did they think of these things? If you didn’t do science in school, you’re in luck, because some of us did. The phenomenon of rain pouring and sun shining is referred to as a sunshower in meteorology. Don’t say it’s a lioness giving birth next time.

3. Whistling at night attracts snake.\"\"

\"\"Except you’re afraid of snakes, I’ll advise that you try this because it doesn’t work. What’s a cobra’s business with your whistling? Or a puff adder? Certain this were just stories to keep we kids from disturbing the serenity evenings always offered.

4. Beating a boy with broom leads to the disappearance of his penis.\"\"

\"\"Can I roll my eyes here? Please! Some of us have been beating with whips and handcuffed during you know… okay, you follow my talk. This doesn’t happen. Where in the world of science and reasoning did this pop from? Forgive us Albert Einstein for relying on baseless stories over factual science.

5. For your tooth to grow back, you must throw it on the roof.\"\"

\"\"Writing this article really has me rolling my head as to how and why I believed any of these stuffs? Charles Darwin will definitely have been disappointed.

Read more: TBT: 5 Games From Your Childhood That Will Leave You Nostalgic

6. Itchy palms mean money is on the way.\"\"

\"\"Get the bullion van moving, because my friend from Jos should surely be competing with Dangote over the richest man in Nigeria. Might even be an allergy or psoriasis. You might want to get that checked at the clinic.

7. You’ll see a ghost if you look between your legs in the market.\"\"

\"\"I give up. This is suffocating. A beautiful childhood nonetheless, filled with unforgettable memories, from these interesting myths.

Do share your experience with us.

7 Hilarious Myths Every Nigerian Child Was Told Growing Up

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