Sujimoto Expresses His Joy As His Friends Organize A Surprise Birthday Party For Him

Nigeria’s youngest billionaire, Sijibomi Ogundele better known as Sujimoto has revealed his joy as his friends put together 20 million and planned a surprise birthday dinner party, bringing friends from Lagos, Abuja, Dubai, NYC and the UK.

According to him, he was blown away when he got to the venue of the surprised dinner party and saw a lot of his old friends he had seen in a long time.

In his words: “Suji, in all my 44 years, this has never happened before! I have never seen people coming together and contributing $50k at such a short notice! Wow! Just keep doing what you are doing because the Almighty is indeed with you”. There were the words of Lanre Alfred to me after my surprise dinner birthday party put together by my friends.

Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. One of the questions the king of Dubai – Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum asked me in 2015 was ‘What’s the quality of your network?’

I didn’t know how to answer that question then, because I haven’t really given it a thought but I told him about my vision and dream to redefine luxury living in Nigeria and I remember he said to me: If you want to grow faster, build a quality network. And to do this, you must remember that friendship is more like Farming than hunting. You plant, nurture and weed it.”

Today these words came to me and I understood better what HRH King Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum was trying to explain to me.

On my 40th birthday, I had wanted to travel to Saudi Arabia and rest, restrategise and refuel! But my friends had other plans. First, I couldn’t find my passport. Secondly, numerous people started calling, giving me reasons not to travel. Some raised the issue of the pandemic, while others were bent on taking me for dinner. Someone in particular called to say his Mum is interested in purchasing a unit of our project in QueenAminaBySujimoto Abuja Project and would want to come around to discuss with me (Of Course anything transaction, I am surely interested). All of these was just to get me not to leave the country before my birthday and they succeeded!



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