Nigeria To Step Up Security At Border To Avoid Chadian Influx- Bashir Salihi Magashi

Nigerian Defense Minister Bashir Salihi Magashi has disclosed that the country will up security and be vigilant along its border with Chad, which is in a state of political unrest and turmoil following the sudden death of its leader, Idriss Deby.

A video went viral on social media that captured the moment thousands of Chadeans were fleeing their country to a neighbouring country to take refuge. In a bid to stop the influx of Chadeans into the country, Bashir Salihi Magashi has put some measures in place to beef up security at the border.

In his words: “There will be a lot of trouble for all neighbouring countries if there is no security in Chad.But, thankfully, we have a lot of ongoing military cooperation, which we expect to continue,”

“We continue to be vigilant about our borders and developments in Chad”

Chad has the best-trained and most battle-hardened troops in the Lake Chad Basin region, and any instability in the country would undermine efforts to combat the region’s Islamist militant group Boko Haram, as well as other Al-Qaeda-linked groups and the Islamic State.

The country was thrown in a state of turmoil after President Deby died after he visited Chadian soldiers fighting rebel. According to his campaign manager, the rebel group Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT) had attacked a border post on the day of election and then advanced hundreds of kilometers south.

The reason why the President visited the heated zone amidst the proceeding clashes with rebels who opposed his rule still remains tentative.


. Nigeria To Step Up Security At Border To Avoid Chadian Influx- Bashir Salihi Magashi Follow GhGossip.

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