The Perfect Way To Apply Matte Lipstick To Get That Sexy Pout

Matte lipsticks is one beauty trend that has garnered the love of ladies over time. This lipstick creates a very sophisticated look which is one major reason why the ladies love it. Matte lipstick when applied perfectly just knows how to create that perfect sexy pout that makes the guys come flooding-in.\"matteTo become a matte master, there a few things you should know and also realise.
A lot of ladies do not like matte lipstick because they kind of find it hard to apply because of its long lasting nature and ability to dry quickly.
Worry no more as here are steps to apply matte lipstick without hassle or stress;
Exfoliate Your Lips
Create a smooth canvas for your matte lipstick by exfoliating your lips regularly – about two to three times a week. This will ensure that your lipstick smoothly glides on for a perfect lip.
It is important to note that mattes are high in pigment and low in moisture, hence the fact that they dry quickly.
Exfoliating the lips before applying matte lips makes for a smooth and sexy look.
An easy way to exfoliate your lips is using something you probably already have in your bathroom: a soft bristle toothbrush or a lip scrub.
Moisture Your Lips
When you exfoliate the lips, you remove dead cells from the lips and make it ready for the next step. By applying a lightweight, moisturizing lip balm you tend to fill in cracks or smooth out dry areas on your lips. This should be done before applying lipstick of any kind.
Try applying the lip balm at the beginning of your makeup routine that ends with lip color application. That way, the lip balm will be fully absorbed into your skin before color is applied to the lips.
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Use A Lip Pencil To Outline Your Lips
A lip pencil helps to define the lips and define mattes perfectly. It is most advisable to use a pencil that is the same color with the matte lip stick you are about apply.
This makes the lips look fuller and more perfect.
The balm applied on the lips already makes for a smooth foundation for the pencil.


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Apply Your Favorite Matte
After the above given steps then apply your matte lipstick. Whether you are combining mattes or not, as long as you have laid a good foundation for the lips, you can apply your matte.

Use A Balm To Smoothen/Blend
Because mattes dry quickly, once you are done applying your matte, if there are any creases or areas you want to smoothen, apply a balm to that area of the lips and blend with edge of your pencil or a brush.
One secret of beauty is there is no laid down rule, the end product is all that matters.
Once you are done, use the pencil to re-outline the lips again, just to make sure there are excess matte by the edges.
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Photo Credit: Getty

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