Brazil\’s president Jair Bolsonaro says he might need surgery after hospital admission


Brazil\’s president Jair Bolsonaro has said doctors are assessing him and considering carrying out surgery on him after being admitted to the hospital with abdominal discomfort.


Mr. Bolsonaro said in a Twitter post that he had started to feel unwell after lunch on Sunday and was admitted to hospital in Sao Paulo at 3am local time (6am in the UK) on Monday.


After the latest admission, the 66-year-old posted a picture of himself giving a thumbs up and said more tests will be done to see whether he needs surgery.


The government said he was \”doing well\”.


Vila Nova Star, the hospital where the president is being treated, said in a statement that he had an intestinal obstruction and was in a stable condition.


Mr. Bolsonaro, who has been treated in hospital several times since being stabbed on the campaign trail in 2020, had been on holiday in southern Brazil.


His current treatment is being overseen by a team led by Dr. Antonio Luiz Macedo.

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