South Africa calls on Russia to immediately withdraw troops from Ukraine


The South African government has called for a peaceful resolution of the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation said in a statement.

South Africa said it is dismayed at the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and that the situation has deteriorated despite calls for diplomacy to prevail.

“Armed conflict will no doubt result in human suffering and destruction, the effects of which will not only affect Ukraine but also reverberate across the world.

“No country is immune to the effects of this conflict. As the UN Secretary-General has indicated, the conflict will have a huge impact on the global economy in a moment when we are emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic, and so many developing countries need to have space for the recovery.

“South Africa calls on Russia to immediately withdraw its forces from Ukraine in line with the United Nations Charter, which enjoins all member states to settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice are not endangered.

“South Africa emphasises respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.

“As a nation birthed through negotiation, South Africa is always appreciative of the potential dialogue has in averting a crisis and de-escalating conflict. In line with our strong commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflict, South Africa urges all parties to devote increased efforts to diplomacy and to find a solution that will help avert further escalation,” it said.

It added that the door of diplomacy should never be closed, even as conflict has broken out, and urged all parties to approach the situation in a spirit of compromise, with all sides respecting international law.


“In light of the escalating conflict, we call on all parties to resume diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the concerns raised by Russia,” the statement read.

Furthermore, South Africa made a call on all parties to uphold and protect human rights and abide by their obligations in terms of international law and international humanitarian law.

“South Africa continues to support and encourage regional initiatives such as the Minsk Agreements, and we welcome the work of the Normandy Format, the Trilateral Contact Group, and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).”

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