I’ll be exploring all legal ways to reclaim my mandate


Former presidential aide, Bashir Ahmad, who lost the All Progressives Congress ticket for Gaya, Ajingi, and Albasu federal constituency, has said he will be seeking all legal means to reclaim his mandate.


He polled just 16 votes during the primary and had to leave the venue after thugs were spotted.


He shared a video implying that the election was marred by electoral malpractice. The video showed a man writing on a piece of paper and then handing the same paper to persons who looked like electorates.

\’\’Just a glimpse of what happened during the so-called primaries in my constituency. Scoring a single vote must have even been a miracle. There are much more to what was seen here. Exploring all the possible and legal ways to reclaim our mandate.\’\’Bashir wrote


Watch the video below…


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