Caroline Hutchings tackles critics over alleged fake age


Factual Pursuit of Truth for Progress


Business woman, Caroline Hutchings, has stated that her age is real and she has shown proof to back her claims up. She revealed that she was in the movie industry two years before she got married.

Caroline, earlier today, had taken to her Instagram page to share lovely pictures of herself in red.

She declared a new age contrary to the one on Google and her fans were not in support. Some called her out over the false age, others said the actress is known for changing her age over the years.

Reacting to this, Caroline had posted a picture of her mom and her daughter. According to her, her mother is still in her 50s and that makes her age valid.

She said she has no reason to lie about her age because she has achieved things needed at her age.

She wrote, “Trilogy this is my mum who is in her 50s, so how in God’s name I be 46??? Am I reducing my age because

“I need a job in a company?? I am the CEO of mine
Reducing my age for Nollywood?? An actor can act both young and old roles, make-up can be applied

“I am reducing my age because of school?? I have enough certificates already
Reducing my age because of relationship?? A good man will love is woman regardless of her age

“Reduce my age for your validation? I don’t give a fuss about you sugar
Not everyone in a class are the same age. I secondary school I had people 45 years old, in my masters my class rep was 23 and 34, my MBA I had both young and old..

“Just because you acted a movie with me does not mean we are the same age
you are asking for my birth certificate have you seen your own mother and father’s birth certificate before? it took you time to achieve something in your life does not mean I have to run your race…we have different glory and destiny..

“That it took you time to achieve something in your life does nit mean I have to run your race…we have different glory and destiny..that you started school late and failed entrance exam couple times is none of my biz, we don’t have the same iq…stupid people saying they watched me as kid..

“I was in the industry for only 2 yrs before my marriage..bomboclat can’t stand my glory.
Are you aware wiki can be created and edited by anyone?? And not everything on Google is a fact??

“Even Christ was married on Google…to the clowns talking unintelligently about my age, mind your biz that pays you…any age, race, class can act a movie… anyone can be a star at any age, no rules to follow…yes I am 35 years old and this will be the last time I will address this…

“I don’t need to be an old woman to achieve anything or be an actress. Success and luck comes to anyone when it is their time.. focus on making sparkle will. Keep hurting your eyes hun.”

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