How To Use Facial Steamers Without Hurting Your Skin

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Steam has been used to calm and invigorate people for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Even today, whether in spas, saunas, or just a hot shower, we still enjoy getting steamy. Steaming the face is traditionally done with a basin of water that is almost at a boil and a cloth that is placed over your head. In recent years, there have been more efficient methods for this face therapy, one of which involves using a facial steamer that has been specifically designed for the purpose. Even with the numerous advancements in facial steamers, there has been a great deal of worry about the safety of their use, particularly when it comes to a sensitive area of the skin—the face.

Read on to find out how to experience this facial glow option without hurting your skin.

What is Face Steaming?

Facial steaming is a do-it-yourself skin care treatment that cleanses, nourishes, and feels luxurious and it can be as simple as placing your face over a hot bowl of steaming water or sitting in front of a basic facial steamer. The proven benefits of this self-care practice can be traced back to the Turkish Hamman Bathhouses which have their origins in the Roman Empire. This steamy bathhouse served as a social and wellness hotspot for cleansing and unwinding.

You’d need just basic things and you’re already set to steam your face; Water hot enough to produce steam, a hot towel that you can drape over your head to trap the steam so as to facilitate the steam absorption.

If you want to live a little, you can just buy a fancy facial steamer or sauna to DIY at home, or even better, get a full facial at a licensed aesthetician.

Benefits of Facial Steaming

  • It purifies your skin by opening up your pores and expelling trapped sebum (an oily waxy substance produced by the skin) and the dirt buildup that has clogged your pores. When sebum becomes trapped beneath the skin’s surface, it serves as a breeding ground for bacteria, resulting in acne and blackheads. The pore opening strategy of facial steamers usually softens these blackheads, making them easier to remove.
  • Warm steam combined with increased perspiration dilates your blood vessels and improves circulation. This increase in blood flow nourishes and oxygenates your skin. The end result is always a healthy, natural glow that you can affirm.
  • Steaming hydrates the facial skin by increasing oil production, which naturally moisturizes the face.
  • After steaming your face absorption of skin care products is easier and more effective. This is because, steam increases the permeability of the skin, allowing it to absorb topicals more effectively.
  • The increased blood flow experienced during a steam facial encourages the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin appears firmer and younger.
  • It’s naturally calming and soothing to feel some warmth on your face. You can even decide to take your steam session to a whole new level of calm by adding some calming scents using herbs or essential oils for aromatherapy.
  • The headaches that frequently accompany sinus congestion can be equally relieved with steam. A few drops of essential oils added can enhance the effectiveness of your steam in this regard.
  • It is not always necessary to visit a spa in order to fully benefit from a facial steaming procedure. You can always DIY because face steamers and essential oils are readily available and simple to use.

How to Steam Your Face At Home

If you want to regularly pamper your skin with facial steam but can’t afford regular facials with a licensed esthetician, you might want to consider purchasing an at-home steamer, which is essentially a face humidifier.

Unsure of how these homemade facial steamers operate? The only real steps are to fill the base, plug it in, and sit in front of it. Always keep a distance of approximately 10 inches to avoid irritation or burns.

You can also make your own facial steamer at home using a bowl of water and a fresh hand towel. Always wash your face with a cleanser before starting a steaming session at home. As a result, the steam will be better able to penetrate your top layer of skin because any dirt or oil will be immediately removed from the surface of your skin. Never boil or even get close to boiling water in a pot or microwave to prevent yourself from getting burned.

How to Ensure Facial Steamers Do Not Hurt Your Skin

There are traditional risks involved in the procedure, particularly with prolonged application, but you can avoid them without harming yourself. Only be cautious enough to follow its rules.

First, bear in mind that prolonged exposure to hot steam will harm your skin. This is why you should only use it once a week until you see how your skin reacts.

Before steaming your face, it’s important to be aware of any skin safety concerns; some dermatologists warn that steaming is not recommended for everyone, especially if you have overly sensitive skin or are pregnant.

Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, you should still exercise caution. Avoid using facial steamers at very high temps to avoid burns or scalds — your steamers, like all other devices, are prone to malfunction.

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