South African Lion King composer says he ‘does not remember’ discussing Nelson Mandela with Meghan Markle at Lion King premiere

South African Lion King composer says he

The South African composer who met Meghan Markle at the Lion King premiere in London has said that he can’t remember speaking to her about Nelson Mandela at the event. 


Meghan Markle had claimed in her interview for The Cut that she had been told by a South African at The Lion King’s London premiere that South Africans rejoiced over her wedding to Prince Harry the way they rejoiced when Nelson Mandela was freed from jail.


Meghan said a cast member at the Leicester Square red-carpet event told her: “I just need you to know: ‘When you married into this family, we rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison’.”


The only South African cast member of Lion King, Dr John Kani, yesterday, August 31, denied it was he who made the controversial remarks. 


Today, September 1, Lion King’s composer told MailOnline he was “baffled” by Meghan’s suggestion his country had rejoiced when she married Prince Harry.


Lebohang Morake, whose professional name is “Lebo M”, said he spoke to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for “less than a minute” at the West End launch of the film for which he composed music in 2019.


Today Mr Morake told MailOnline: “Indeed I was at The Lion King 2019 premiere and met the Royals. I cannot comment on the matter as it was three years ago and I don’t remember details of that conversation which was less than a minute, except the Royals were going to South Africa or Botswana. ”


“I’m the only South African directly associated with both The Lion King films and the Broadway productions.”


In footage of the exchanges between the Sussexes and Mr Morake, Harry can be heard discussing visiting Africa and Malawi


The premiere was in July 2019 and the royals travelled to South Africa and Harry to Malawi later that year in September.


Film of the meeting shows Mr Morake being introduced to the Royals as he stands next to American singer Pharrell Williams. 


Mr Morake is heard saying: “It’s an honour to meet you. Everyone in South Africa’s heard of Meghan Markle”.


South African Lion King composer says he


As Harry tells of their forthcoming trip to Southern Africa, Mr Morake says: “Oh, fantastic. Better be seeing you then” before the couple moved on to Pharrell. 


South African Lion King composer says he


Mr Morake, 58, who is a Grammy winner, said he doubted whether the issue over Meghan’s controversial interview were of much significance to his country.


He added: “As a South African, I’m not sure if this is important to most of us facing serious domestic issues. I’d like to not be dragged into this issue from three years ago either way.”

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