Doyin blows hot over claims she interferes in housemates’ relationship  – The Eagle Online

Doyin had a brief down moment today over a conversation with Chizzy. 

Her outburst was triggered by last week’s claims that she purposely enjoyed weighing in on housemates’ relationships.

This made Doyin blow hot over Chizzy’s attempt to offer advice with her involvement in Sheggz and Bella’s latest fight.

Running to her defence, Bella fanned the flames by expressly calling Chizzy out alongside nameless male housemates.

According to Doyin, people usually bring their issues to her and not the reverse as propagated by the housemates presumably in an attempt to get her evicted.

Meanwhile, Sheggz and Bella had yet another major argument that ended as quickly as it started. 

The couple continue to spur mixed reactions from fans with most calling on the show’s organizers to weigh in on what has been termed abusive.

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