New Found Glory’s Chad Gilbert: “The cancer in my spine is gone”

New Found Glory‘s Chad Gilbert has confirmed that he is cancer-free once again.

After initially declaring in January that he was “cancer-free”, Gilbert told his fans last month that he was set to undergo further surgery following the discovery of a new tumour.

“Got out of surgery yesterday afternoon! Things went really well,” he shared after the surgery.

“They were able to remove almost all of it besides a microscopic amount of tumour that was in the bone. Once we get test results back from the tissue, we’ll be able to blast it with whatever treatment it needs so we can keep it at bay or even kill it completely.

“Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas are very rare tumours. So it is a very strategic process to treat them. But all news has been good so far for what the situation is and things have been going great!”

The guitarist previously received treatment for cancer last year, during which he had “half a liver, a gallbladder and one adrenal gland” removed.

The musician has now confirmed that the tumour found in his spine last month was surgically removed by doctors this week. As a result of the surgery, the New Found Glory member now has an artificial disc in his spine and he is due to continue radiation treatments.

Gilbert wrote on Instagram: “ANOTHER unexpected turn of events. I was supposed to start radiation on Monday for the small amount of Pheochromocytoma left in my T-12 Vertebrae! A few days before that I started having the worst hip pain! Excruciating. So bad I couldn’t sit longer than 10 minutes or sleep longer than 2 hours at a time because of the pain. I was standing up all night for several days. Awful. Was having to SEE TV standing up.”

He continued: “So on Tuesday I went to the hospital for an MRI of my hip! Good news: my hip was fine. Bad news: the tumor in my spine started growing again in the wrong direction and got aggressive very quickly. So by noon yesterday I was in surgery again! It lasted 6 hours this time and they removed the rest of my T-12 vertebrae! I now have a fake vertebrae! Good news is we cut out the entire tumor now! That whole bastard got the boot!”

“So the cancer in my spine is gone!” He added. “We will still hit it with light radiation just to be thorough for any microscopic invisible ones. But this battle has been won. No more tumor. And I continue to turn into Robochad.”

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