Signs Of Betrayal In Friendship – Lifestyle Nigeria

Many people might think that they know their friends better than they know themselves. But there will always be those moments when you realize that your friend betrayed you in some way. Here are signs of betrayal in friendship that you need to be aware of.

 They’re competitive with you

If your friends are always trying to compete with you or never see you as the winner, then it’s time to re-evaluate.


A friend who can be trusted won’t ever try to compete with you in any way and will always be supportive of everything that has to do with their relationship.

They make you feel bad about yourself

In most cases, when a friend betrays you, it will seep into your psyche and make you feel like everything is your fault.

Even though they’re the cause of whatever’s going on, they’ll make you think that it’s somehow your fault. They may even bring up past events that are completely irrelevant to the current situation

They aren’t there for you

A true friend will always be there for you no matter what. A trusted friend will be there when you need them the most.  If your friends aren’t always there for you when you need them, then they’re not a true friend and is one of the signs of possible betrayal of friendship.

They gossip about you

This is exactly what a friend can do if they’re not there for you. They will gossip about you to anyone who will listen, and they’ll never worry about repercussions because they don’t care.

They don’t care about you

When a friend doesn’t really care about you, then this person is not really a friend and they must move on with their life.

They have something to gain from you

If your friends only come around when they need something from you, then they’re not your friend.  A devoted friend will seek to give and not just take and doing otherwise is one of the signs of a possible betrayal of friendship.

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