IPOB: We’ve No Plans To Disrupt Election In Igboland

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The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has stated that it has no intention of interfering with the 2023 elections in Igboland.

Emma Powerful, the group’s media and publicity secretary claimed in a press release on Saturday, October 8, that none of the rumours circulating about supposed preparations to sabotage the 2023 elections in Igboland are true.

Instead, in an effort to spread panic and blame IPOB for its actions, the organisation accused the federal government of orchestrating insecurity in the South East.

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In a recent Update that just appeared on the internet, Mr. Simon Ekpa, a breakaway member of IPOB, declared that the group would not permit any elections to take place in Biafraland.

But in a press release on behalf of IPOB, Powerful said;

“The IPOB leadership has for umpteenth time stated unequivocally that part of our modus operandi in our agitation for freedom has never been, is not and will not be violent agitation.

“This explains our consistent demand for the UN to organise a Referendum in the Biafran territory for the Biafran people to determine their destiny. To this effect, IPOB is neither contemplating nor will it encourage or sponsor anyone or group to disrupt Nigeria’s shambolic selection process called election.

“IPOB has constantly made it public that we have no interest in and cannot legitimise the aberration they call an election in Nigeria. We are a focused, determined and disciplined freedom-fighting movement, not political thugs and IPOB is devoted to the cause of liberating our people from subjugation and from modern-day slavery and Neo-colonialism and will not allow ourselves to be distracted from this very objective.”

The group continued;

IPOB is not interested and will never involve ourselves in any Nigeria fraudulent pre-election or post-election issues. Our job is to open the eyes of the blinds by the gospel of truth which our leader has delivered already.

Whoever that is sponsoring any group or gang tagging them IPOB is on his/her own. For those who are hard of hearing, IPOB is one indivisible family under one central command and leadership.

If in the future IPOB leadership decides to make further statement on the upcoming Nigeria selection process called election, we shall make such statement through our official channels.

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