24 Years After He Was Shot in His Car – See the Condition of Tupac Shakur\’s Car Now


24 Years After He Was Shot in His Car – See the Condition of Tupac Shakur’s Car Now

Tupac Shakur also known as 2pac or Makaveli is widely considered to be one of the most influential rappers of all time. He has sold more than 75 million records to date- many which are post humous (after death).

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On the night of his death, Tupac was driven by notorious record producer Sugar Knight after watching a boxing match at a casino.

Tupac Shakur and Suge Knight
Photo Credit: Pin Interest

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Witnesses described seeing a white Cadillac sedan pull up along side the pairs black BMW, from which the assailant then carried out the shooting in a matter of seconds.

Picture of the scene of the crime after the assassination of Tupack Shakur in 1996. Suge Knight who was accompanying Tupac survived the gun shots.
Suge Knight, survivor of the shootings
Photo Credit: Alamy Stock Photos

Shakur while 25 was struck in chest, arm and thigh by four 40 caliber rounds fired from a pistol. He died in the hospital from his wounds six days later. The killers has never been caught although numerous theories abound over their identity.

Picture of Tupac Shakur and Suge Knight in the black BMW before he was gunned down
Photo Credit: Getty Images

After the shooting, the Las Vegas police impounded the car and sold it at auction, before it passed through several collections.

The car has had several owners since the shooting ,although it was first purchased by Death row records which was founded by Suge Knight who drove the car on the night of the murder who is now in prison for voluntary mans slaughter after running a man over in 2015.

Suge Knight in his orange prison jump suit

Photo Credit: Getty Images

The New Condition Of The Car

Its been 24 years since Tupac Shakur was shot in the black BMW.


The bad condition of the car before it was finally restored to its former glory

The car which has been mismanaged by several owners, has now been painstakingly restored in its former glory by a dealer and auctioned off in the same city the event happened.

The front view of the black BMW Tupac Shakur was shot in.
Photo Credit: Celebrity Cars Las Vegas

Although restored in its former glory, a small dentition where a bullet may have hit remains visible on one of the doors- serving as a reminder of the car’s grisly history.

The back view of the BMW
Photo Credit: Celebrity Cars Las Vegas

The car still boasts of a black leather interior, the original 5.4 litre engine and a five speed automatic gearbox.

The original 5.4 Litre engine

As of 2020, the car appeared on TV show ‘pawn stars’ and priced at 1.5 million dollars.

The BMW is now being sold by celebrity cars Las Vegas. However, a 20,000 dollar refund deposit is required from any interested buyers before an offer can be made.

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So it is to say that the car Tupac Shakur was shot in was in a bad condition after being mismanaged by its former users since his death but is now in a better condition and being placed at whopping sum of 1.5 million US dollars. Whoa!, what a history.

Tupac Shakur is indeed a legend.

Photo Credits: Pin Interest

Alamy Stock Photos

Getty Images

Celebrity Cars Las Vegas

References: Wikipedia

Celebrity Cars Las Vegas

All photos were used for illustrative purposes only

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