20 Effective Ways To Win A Woman\’s Heart


Tips to woo a girl

Every man needs a loving partner and here are easy tips on how to win any girl or a woman of your dream.

Survey reveals that reasons most men find it difficult to approach a woman are fear of rejection and ego.

A popular saying goes thus, ”if you want to date a girl seduce her sister,” is hard to believe but it truly works.

Many men actually give up on women because of their sole belief, ‘I’m not attractive enough, to get that lady.’

How to win a woman’s heart


Tell Them You Love Them

1. Dress: The first most important thing is the man’s appearance. Men who want to woo a woman for the first time, and other times must be properly dressed and look neat, this is the first arsenal in winning any lady.

2. Composure: Every woman prefers men who are well composed than the unorganized ones, this can easily be spotted before, during and after the conversation begins.            Therefore, you are advised to impress and cash the woman’s attention by showing total maturity. This is one of the magic that works out tremendously while asking any woman out.

3. Pickup Lines: Another important factor to consider is the type/kinds of the pickup line you use in getting her attention.

4. Humour: A good sense of humour can easily get you that woman of your dream without passing through much stress. Every woman likes to be around men with an immeasurable sense of humour that can always keep her happy.

5. Respect: The length of winning a woman’s love by any man is by letting her know you are going to show her respect. Every woman wants to be lavished with respect by their man.


6. Empathy: Women love to date men who can think the way they do, tell them what they want to hear, and listen when they talk. If you are this type of man, you will surely win a woman’s love before, during and after asking her out.

7. Smartness: This is one of the major strategies required when you are meeting a wman for the first time. Women don’t appreciate feeble-minded men; men who can’t really defend themselves or prove that they are man enough.

Women celebrate men who are way smarter than the ones who are not. They welcome them (smart men) with a comforting smile when such men make a move to ask them out, hardly they reject such men.

8. Boldness:  Many women prefer the brave and outspoken men to the timid ones. Being bold will earn you easy access to your next relationship. Be the brain and bold type of man who easily attracts women.

9. Intellectual Capacity: Being Intelligent can earn any man a woman of his dream if the man follows the law of seduction.

10.  Commitment: Just Wooing any woman is not enough without showing you are ready to go into the relationship. Many women easily say the ‘YES’ word to the more committed men than to those who never come back.

11. Sacrifice: This is another strategic tool that enhances winning any woman after asking her out. Women believe in immediate actions than words. A man can influence any woman by sacrificing his time, efforts, money and going out of his comfort zone just to let her believe he will be there.

If you are willing to woo any woman and win her over, try out this strategy.

12. Be Real and Simple: Many women frown at men who are not being sincere while they were approached. They describe them as being ‘fake.’

Women prefer men who are simple and straight forward. On your next date, remember, be the ‘Real You,’ and stay away from being fake.

13. Attention: Every woman loves attention. They are ready to stay with you if they are getting their needed attention from you.

How to win her over? Be the regular caller and texter; she will never say ‘Never.’

14. Be Caring: Women are like babies, who need regular attention. Give them attention and you will win them forever.

15. Seriousness: Do not appear to be the ‘too serious type. Women get bored with men who don’t know when to have fun and when to be serious, vice-versa. Never be the guy that is always with the ‘too serious look’ when you are asking a woman out.

16. Shower her with Gifts: The best way to win a woman’s heart is by showering her with different gifts; gifts open the door for likeness which leads to emotion ignition.

The gifts will show her that you are bothered about her happiness, therefore, buying different types of gifts can easily get you on track.


how to woo a girl and win her. shower her with gifts

17. Be Flirty: Some women find flirty men more attractive than the others because they know they are capable of swinging their emotions.

Being flirty is entertaining You should learn when to flirt with a lady, it is more fun than appearing too serious.

\" Have\" Have

Have Tolerance

18. Be Rich: Knowing the type of woman you want to be with is good, showing off that you are wealthy will earn you a straight ticket to her heart.


how to woo a girl and win her. Be rich. Credit: Google Advanced Search

19. Pay The Bills: It sounds odd? Yes, pay the bills; pay for her lunch, foot the bill after dinner, pay for her transportation fare. See how the magic works by asking her out and she will never say ‘NO.’

20. Compliment Her: Women never have enough compliment. Always shower her with a bunch of compliment. She will always want to be around you. Many women are impressed and always appreciate it when you keep complimenting them.


20 Effective Ways To Win A Woman\’s Heart

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