Ramadan 2020: Day 28 Quotes, Images, Prayers


Ramadan fasting has reached day 28 today, June 2nd; and here are some selected Islamic quotes, images and Dua (prayers) chosen for you and your loved ones.

Ramadan Day 28 Quotes: 

Our Lord! We have accepted faith, therefore, forgive us and have mercy on us, and you best among Merciful.


Ramadan Quotes, Source: DpIslam blog


Ramadan Quotes Day 28 Source: Lion of Allah


Ramadan Day 28 Dua (Prayers):

Keep your tongue moist with this prayer throughout the last ten days of Ramadan:

”Allahumo Inakah hafuhun Kareemu tuhibu L-hafuwa Fahafu hani.”




Farewell Dua For Ramadan

“Ya Allah this blessed month of Ramadan is now coming to an end, please help me to remain steadfast in your Deen (Islam). Grant me the knowledge of Deen. Ya Allah, you are truly merciful, please forgive me. Choose for me, what is best. Ya Allah helps me to succeed in this life and the hereafter. Ya Allah, if I have been in any way ungrateful, unjust, dishonest; please forgive me. Ya Allah, I don’t know if I’ll be alive next Ramadan, please forgive me.

Grant me a place in paradise. Save me from hellfire. Ya Allah, include me among those that will enter your paradise without accountability. Ya Allah, help me to spread your Deen in the best of ways.

O Allah, please distance me from the backbiters. Ya Allah, forgive me if I have been among the arrogant. Ya Allah, Grant us success. Verily you are most forgiving, most merciful.”



Verily, Allah and His Angels supplicate upon prophet Muhammad, O you who believe supplicates upon him with peace and tranquillity.


Ramadan Quotes, Source: YourQuote.

Recommended: Ramadan 2020: Day 27 Quotes, Images, Prayers

. Ramadan 2020: Day 28 Quotes, Images, Prayers Follow Concise News.


Ramadan 2020: Day 28 Quotes, Images, Prayers

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