12 Workouts For Lower Back Pain |Lifestyle


Experiencing lower backache can be highly weakening and sickening because the lower back provides support for the weight of your upper body, as well as the hip movement, used for walking.

If your lower back is in pain, it can make even the least movement feel like a monumental effort.

According to John Peloza, MD, writing for Spine-Health, the lower back pain can result from injury to the muscles, discs, ligaments, or joints in the lower back, including your hips. Pain in the lower back region can also be caused by the piriformis muscle, which can also cause pain in the buttock and the back of the leg, due to its proximity to the sciatic nerve.


Lower Back pain: Seated lower back stretches. Courtesy: Google Free Image


Causes of Lower Back pain. Courtesy: Google Free Image

12 Best Effective Exercises For Back Pain Relief

  1. Bridge Stretches:

Lower back pain: bridge stretches. Source: Google

Bridge stretch strengthens your gluteus maximus (the large muscle of the buttocks). This muscle is engaged when you move your hips, particularly when bending into a squat.

The bridge stretch looks minimal and simple. It involves less stress. However, the gluteus maximus is one of the most vital muscles in the body, and keeping it strong can help strengthen the lower back.


Bridge stretch for lower back pain. Source: Google advanced search

How To Perform a Bridge Stretch:

  • Lie your back flat on the ground, put your two hands by the side and place your feet firmly on the floor.
  • Then, raise your width-hip and buttock up from the ground,
  • Raise up the buttocks until your shoulder is straight with the knee.
  • Stay on the position for about fifteen seconds.
  • Move the buttocks back to the ground and rest for a few seconds.
  • Try not to overextend beyond your body flexibility.
  • Repeat 10 times and then rest for 1 minute.
  • Do 2 sets and repeat it again.

2.  Bird-Dog Stretches:


bird-dog stretch. Image Credit: Google

Bird-Dog Stretch is the mobilization of your lower back, which is important to aid its recovery. This posture will help straighten your back and help reduces your pain on your back.

This exercise comes with little or no pain throughout the stretch. However, if you do it wrong you might experience some pain in the back the following day.


Bird-Dog Stretch for lower back pain. Credit: Google

How To Do Bird-Dog Stretches:

  • Place all the four on the ground,
  • Be sure your hands are under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips.
  • Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out extends one leg and the opposite arm to inline with your spine.
  • Balance your spine in a neutral position during this exercise,
  • Don’t let your lower back sag down.
  • Maintain the posture for 5-10 seconds and as you breathe out lower both your leg and arm to the ground.
  • Repeat this exercise eight to twelve times both sides.

3. Child Pose Stretch


Lower Back Pain Exercise, Child pose stretch. Credit: Google

This is a kind of positioning similar to the common yoga pose. It doesn’t only relieve back pain but also assists with sacroiliac instability. This exercise can help prevent sciatica.

How To do Child-Pose stretch:


Lower Back pain: Child pose stretches. Courtesy: Google Free Image

  • Lie down flat on the ground,
  • Bend your knees to the level of your chest, support it with your hands;
  • Stay in that position for thirty to forty seconds.
  • Then, place a pillow between your thighs and lower legs during the pose,
  • Spending only a few moments at a time in child’s pose
  • Repeat this exercise.

4. Cat-Cow Stretch


Lower Back pain: Cat-cow stretches. Courtesy: Google

The Cat-Cow stretch serves as flexion and an extension to the back. This exercise helps to strengthen the back, make it stronger, and ease muscular tension.

Cat-cow stretch also helps to prevent any forms of backaches before it occurs.


Lower Back pain: Cat-cow stretches. Courtesy: Google

How to perform the Cat-cow stretch:

  • Balance your hands and knees on the floor.
  • Slowly move your abdominal muscle, as if trying to pull your belly button toward the spine,
  • Release your head to drop and your pelvis to curl under.
  • Remain in this pose for about ten seconds and,
  • Then, slowly relax the muscles and allow the abdomen to sag toward the floor.
  • Arching your back as you move it.
  • Repeat this exercise about five times.

5. Draw-in Maneuver 


Draw in Manoeuvres: Google

According to Medical News Today journal, the draw-in manoeuvre works the transversus abdominis. This muscle is on the front and side of the abdomen, stabilizing the spine and lower back region.

This is not only a minimal exercise but also a simple one, which can help relieve backache and prevents it from happening in the future.


Lower Back pain: Cat-cow stretches. Courtesy: Google

How to do the draw-in manoeuvre:

  • Place your back on the floor with knees bent and feet firmly, keeping the arms by the sides.
  • Breathe in intensely.
  • Then, while breathing out, force the belly button toward the spine,
  • Tightening the abdominal muscles and keeping the hips in position.
  • Maintain that position for 8 seconds.
    Repeat 5 times.

6. Knees to Chest Stretch:


Lower Back Pain, Knees to Chest. Photo Credit: Google advanced Image

This is a self-explanatory exercise, as well as very easy to practice. The Knee to Chest exercise is highly effective at elongating the lower back and releasing tension.

This stretch also prevents lower back pain.


Knees to chest for lower back pain. Google Free Images

How To perform this stretch:

  • Lie on your back
  • Raise your knees and balance your feet flat on the floor.
  • Raise one leg toward your chest,
  • Grasp the knee with both hands for about ten-fifteen seconds
  • Start again,
  • Try the opposite leg.
  • Repeat with both leg 2–3 times daily.

7. Kneeling Lunge Stretch


Lower Back pain: kneeling lunge stretches. Courtesy: Google Free Image

Piriformis syndrome or sciatica mostly tend to be the cause of lower back pain, which is often related to pelvic pain. The kneeling lunge stretch works to strengthen your hips which can be greatly beneficial to aid lower back pain and also affects the hip flexor muscles to promote better posture.


Lower Back pain: Kneeling stretches. Courtesy: Google

How to perform a Kneeling Lunge Stretch:

  • Start by kneeling on the floor,
  • Then, move one of your legs forward as your foot is flat on the floor in a typical lunge position.
  • Place both hands on your thigh and slowly move your upper body forward.
  • You will feel a stretch in your other leg.

8. Lying Knee Twist


Lower Back pain: Lying knee lunge stretches. Courtesy: Google Free Image

Lying kneel twist stretch only proffer solution to help with lower back pain. A study also confirms that it can also strengthen your glutes, which can become tight when you are facing lower back pain, thus exacerbating your condition.


How to perform the lying knee twist stretch:

  • Place your back on the ground with your knees raised,
  • This is related to the knee-to-chest exercise.
  • Extend your arms outward so you are in a ’T’ position,
  • Then, slowly position your knees to one side, keeping your shoulders on the floor.
  • Only go as far as your flexibility allows, making sure not to overextend.
  • Maintain the position for about 20-30 seconds.
  • Then, repeat for the other side.

9. Seated Piriformis Stretch


Piriformis stretch for lower back pain. Source: Google advanced search

The piriformis muscle as explained above, this muscle can become sore or tight, causing lower backache and possible sciatica. This often occurs due to sitting for long periods of time.


Piriformis stretches for lower back pain. Source: Google advanced search

How to do the Seated Piriformis Stretch:

  • Begins with seating on the floor and cross your left leg over your right thigh.
  • Place your left foot next to your right thigh,
  • Keep your right foot toward your buttocks.
  • Hold your left leg with your right arm and rotate slowly to your left.
  • Maintain the stretch for about 15-20 seconds then switch sides.

10. Supine Hamstring Stretching


Lower Back pain: Hamstring stretches. Courtesy: Google

The Hamstring Stretches aid to extend the hamstring, whereby lowering tension on the lower back and helping in the prevention of lower back pain forming as a result of muscle stress.

How to perform a Supine Hamstring Stretching:


  • Lie down and raise your right knee toward your chest.
  • Get a towel or other strap around the between your foot,
  • Gently straighten your leg toward the ceiling, extend it through the heel.
  • If you feel too much force in your lower back,
  • Then, bend your left knee to ease the tension.
  • Also, release the towel and hold your leg behind the thigh,
  • Hold on for 30-40 seconds.
  • Try it on each leg.
  • Repeat it 4 times daily.

11. Supermans Stretch


Lower Back pain: Superman stretches. Courtesy: Lead Tech Inc

A Superman backstretch is done while lying on the top of your abdomen. You need strong back extensors to maintain good posture. These muscles run along either side of the spine.

Weak back extensors can reduce spinal and pelvic support, but performing an exercise called a “Superman” can prevent the pains.

How to perform a Superman stretch:


Lower Back pain: Superman stretches. Courtesy: Google

  • Place your face down on the ground
  • Stretch out both arms in the front direction, keeping the legs stretched out and flat on the ground.
  • Then, raise both the hands and feet,
  • Create a gap of about 6 inches between them and the floor.
  • Pull in the bellybutton, raising it off the floor to engage the core muscles.
  • Put your head straight and be mindful at the floor not to sustain neck injury.
  • Stretch out the hands and feet as much as you can.
  • Maintain the position for 5-10 seconds.
  • Start again.
  • Repeat 10 times.

12. Seated Rotational Stretch


Lower Back pain: Seated lower back stretches. Courtesy: Google

This exercise can be performed on a chair. It helps relieve pain, working the core muscles and strengthening the lower back.

How to do the seated rotational stretch:


Lower Back pain: Seated lower back stretches. Courtesy: Google

  • Sit on a stool or chair without arms,
  • Place your feet flat on the floor.
  • A twist at the core to the right, maintain your hips square and your spine straight.
  • Place your hands behind your head or position it on the left hand to support the stretch.
  • Maintain the position for about 10-20 seconds.
  • Start this exercise on the left-hand side.
  • Repeat on each side 3–4 times, twice a day.

Lower Back pain: Seated lower back stretches. Courtesy: Google Free Image

Meanwhile, it is advisable that you visit your physician before engaging in any workouts program, mostly, when dealing with any existing or ongoing pain.

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12 Workouts For Lower Back Pain |Lifestyle

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