Amazing Bed Workout – 25 Exercise Activities You Can Do Every Morning (Videos)


Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning

There are many exercise activities you can do in bed every morning before getting set for work or any other activity.

These exercises give more energy and make you be a better partner, colleague and friend.


Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning

Morning workouts undoubtedly have their benefits. Workout can help you to tighten your legs, abs, shoulders and without even getting out of bed you will burn a lot of calories.


Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning

Studies from the Appalachian State University reveal that blood pressure can be reduced by doing regular morning exercise.


Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning

Here are the twenty five (25) simple morning exercises you can do that require no equipment and can be done before you go to work.

But Ensure you consult your doctor before starting any form of exercise if you are new to this.


Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning

  1. Push Ups
  2. Handstand Push-Ups
  3. Tic Taps
  4. Bicycle Crunches
  5. Cross Ankle Hamstring Stretch
  6. Marching Hip Raises
  7. Scissors Legs
  8. Sit Up And Crunches
  9. Supine leg marches
  10. Half Bridge
  11. Planking
  12. Dolphin Plank
  13. Pilates Roll Up
  14. Table Tops
  15. Leg Lifts
  16. Butterfly Crunches
  17. Straight Leg Raises
  18. Arm Extension to Shoulder Tap
  19. Fast Feet
  20. Jumping Jacks
  21. Reverse Crunches
  22. Glute Bridge
  23. Crossover Arm Stretch
  24. Superman
  25. Toe Taps

1. Push Ups



This is the commonest form of exercise we have all heard of, and that is because it is highly beneficial for adding strength to your core, arms and mid-section.

Also, this classic exercise can increase arm strength when you keep up with it regularly.


Start by placing your knees or toes and your hands on the bed, with your arms fully extended and while keeping your back straight. Next, lower your chest to the bed, then return to starting position. Perform as many times as possible.

2. Handstand Push-Ups


Handstand Push-Ups

This exercise targets the shoulders, upper back, and core muscles. It can help build shoulder stability and strength for full handstand holds or handstand push-ups. For this exercise, lie on your belly with your head near the edge of the bed. Slide yourself forward until your hips are on the side of the bed. Place your hands on the floor in a handstand position, shoulder-width apart.


Then lower yourself toward the floor, bringing your head between your hands. Try to remain as upright as possible. You can change the intensity of the exercise by walking your hands out to make it easier, or bringing your hips off the bed to make it harder.

3. Tic Taps


This exercise should directly follow your push ups. From the push up, simply take your right hand and tap in front of your left elbow. After you make contact with your elbow, quickly retract the hand to the original position and perform with the opposite hand. Continue tapping back and forth with each for as long as you can.

You can also carry out this exercise by getting in a position like you are going to do a push up. Then, take your left hand and tap the front of your right elbow. Return to the original position. Then, take your right hand and tap your left elbow. Keep going back and forth for as many repetitions as it takes for you to get tired.

4. Bicycle Crunches 


Bicycle Crunches Exercise

Bicycle Crunches move is a simple exercise because of its spine-twisting motion, which gets you moving after a long sleep.

It is also an amazing exercise for your obliques. to successful achieve this exercise, lie on your back, with knees in the air until your thighs align vertically to the mattress with 90-degree angle at the hips.

Drive your right knee towards your chest in a straight line and allow the knee to bend to a deeper angle.


Bicycle Crunches

Straighten your left leg out away from you while keeping it elevated off the floor. Contract your abs to curl up, lifting your left shoulder blade off the floor and rotating your trunk slowly to drive your left elbow towards your right knee that is bent toward you. Try to bring your elbow close to the opposite knee. Make sure your low back stays on the bed. Hold and then repeat on the other side, switching the leg positions.

5. Cross Ankle Hamstring Stretch


Cross Ankle Hamstring Stretch

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the mattress. Cross your right ankle over your left thigh. If that stretch feels like enough, gently press on your right thigh and hold for about 20 seconds.


Cross Ankle Hamstring Stretch

For a deeper hamstring (back of thighs) stretch, lift the left leg off the mattress and clasp your hands behind the top of the left thigh. You should feel the stretch in the back of your left thigh and this will help open up the right hip. After holding for a few breaths switch sides.

 6. Marching Hip Raises


Marching Hip Raises

Lie on your back with your knees bent, heels near your butt, and arms along your sides with palms facing down. Press into your heels as you lift your hips up so your body forms a line between your knees and shoulders.


Without extending your leg, squeeze your butt as you lift your right foot up off the bed and bring your right knee directly over your right hip. Place your right foot back on the bed and repeat on the left side. That’s one rep. Continue to alternate.

7. Scissor Legs


Scissor Legs

To achieve the scissor legs exercise, you need to lie on your back with your hands underneath your hips and your palms facing down. Bring both feet straight up into the air and point your toes up.


Keeping both legs as straight as possible, engage your core as you lower your right leg down toward the bed with control. Without touching down, bring your leg back up to starting position. Then repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep.

8. Sit Ups and Crunches


Sit Ups and Crunches

You can do sit ups and crunches easily on your own bed or mattress. For an added challenge, add a bicycle move to your sit ups. To do this, lift as you would do for a normal crunch, then twist your body gently to one side. Whilst doing this, extend the opposite leg to the direction you are turning. Repeat this movement whilst alternating between sides.


9. Supine leg marches


Supine leg marches

This exercise targets the muscles of the glutes, legs, and core. It is a variation of a regular glute bridge. To achieve the supine leg marches exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the bed, hands by your side. Lift your buttocks off the bed until your body is in a straight line.


Without straightening your legs, press into your supporting heel as you lift one leg off the bed. Bring the knee toward your chest until it is in line with your hips. Return your foot to the bed and repeat on the other side without lowering your hips.

10. Half Bridge


Half Bridge

To perform this exercise, lie on your back and place your feet on the bed with your knees bent and your legs hip width apart. Lift your tailbone and push up until your upper body makes a straight line from the shoulder, to hip, down to the knee.



Try and hold this move for 30 seconds, or as long as you can, keeping your tailbone lifted and your glutes engaged. Lower and then repeat for three times. Make sure you continue to breathe and engage your abs throughout.

11. Planking


Planking Exercise

Planking are another classic exercise you can do on your mattress. Planking improve your arm strength, as well as your upper body strength. To do a planking exercise, you need to get into push-up position on your bed or mattress, balancing on your forearms instead of your hands. It is done this way in order to be safe to do on a softer surface. With your weight on your forearms and toes, align your elbows under your shoulders.


Lift your body to make a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. Try doing three repetitions. For an added challenge, gently step one foot at a time out to the side and back in, alternating each time.

12. Dolphin Plank


Dolphin Plank Exercise

Get into plank position with your forearms and palms on the bed, and your shoulders stacked over your elbows. Your body should form a straight line between your head and your heels. Keeping your core tight and legs straight, lift your hips straight up into the air. Pause, then release to starting position with control to complete one repetition.


13. Pilates Roll ups


Pilates Roll ups

This exercise helps stretch and wake up the whole back of the body, including the hamstrings, lower back, upper back, and the neck. The rolling helps to massage tension out of spine and wake up the body, and it works the core. The constant movement keeps the body energized.


To carry out this move, lie down and face up on a mat or bed with arms resting on floor above head. Float arms up so wrists are directly over shoulders, and begin to curl your spine up and off the floor. Fold over legs, forming a “U” shape with body. Reverse movement to lower back to mat.

14. Table Tops


Table Tops Exercise

To perform table tops exercise, sit on the bed with your legs extending in front of you and your arms resting at your sides. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the bed. Your hands and feet should be flat on the bed pointing in opposite directions from each other.


In a smooth action, press firmly into your hands and feet. Straighten your elbows, and lift your hips up toward the ceiling in order to form a straight line with your torso and thighs, making your body appear like a table. Hold the position and squeeze your glutes. Retract, and repeat several times.

15. Leg Lifts


Leg Lifts

For this move, lay flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Make sure your legs are straight and then lift the right one until both it and your hip form a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower the leg down to the bed.


Leg Lifts

Repeat with alternate leg. Do two sets of 10 repetitions per leg and be sure to exhale as you lift. Also you can flip onto your stomach and lift your legs above. This will work your buttocks, but it can be hard on your spine, so don’t do this if you have any kind of back injury.

16. Butterfly Bridges


Butterfly Bridges

Lie on your back with knees bent and then place the bottoms of your feet together with knees open (like butterfly wings), arms by your side, palms pressed into the mattress. Drive the feet into the bed and lift your hips up, while keeping your knees wide apart. Lower down but before your butt touches the bed, drive your hips back up again.


17. Straight Leg Raises


Straight Leg Raises

After you come down from your Half-Bridge, do some leg lifts, which will contract your abs, work your hip muscles and help improve circulation. Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides, legs straight.


Lift your right leg, exhaling as you do so, until your leg and hip form a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower the leg down to the bed. Repeat with alternate leg. Do two sets of 10 reps per leg.

18. Arm Extension to Shoulder Tap


Arm Extension to Shoulder Tap

Start in a plank position with your wrists under your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line between the top of your head and your toes. Engage your abs and glutes as you extend your right arm straight out and hold it for one second.


Arm Extension to Shoulder Tap

Then, use the right hand to tap your left shoulder. Repeat with your left arm and continue to alternate sides.

19. Fast Feet


Fast Feet Exercise

This move requires focus and keen attention. Fast feet is a combination of your brain and nervous system working together. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Come on to the balls of your feet with your knees slightly bent. Pick up your right foot and quickly put it back down and repeat on the opposite leg.


20. Jumping Jacks


Jumping Jacks

This is an energising move because it is a dynamic stretch for the arms that helps open up the chest, and it elevates the heart rate.

To make this move, stand with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Jump your feet out and bring your arms above your head simultaneously. Jump your feet back together and bring your arms back to your sides. Continue repeating quickly.


21. Reverse Crunches


Reverse Crunches

A reverse crunch is a somewhat more extensive exercise, but also a great way to work your legs, core and the lower abdominal.

For this exercise, lie on your back with your hands by your side, palms down. Keeping your legs straight, use your abs to lift your legs toward your face until your toes touch the headboard.


Slowly lower your legs back to the bed, engaging your abdominal. Don’t let your lower back arch up off the mattress. Feel as if you are knitting your ribs together and pulling your bellybutton toward your spine. Repeat the process 10 times. If this is too challenging, try decreasing the load by bending your legs to 90 degrees and moving through a smaller range of motion.

22. Glute Bridges


Glute Bridges

Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Exhale and squeeze your abs and butt to lift your hips up while pressing your heels into the mattress, inhale and slowly lower back down. Repeat this process for 15 to 20 minutes before leaving the bed.


23. Crossover Arm Stretch


Crossover Arm Stretch

Cross over arm stretch is a great stretch for the shoulders. To achieve this exercise, bring your right arm across the body. Use the left hand or forearm to hold the right arm in place for 15 seconds. Switch sides.

24. Superman


Superman Exercise

Superman is a great exercise for working out your back muscles. The extension in this move helps to strengthen the muscles that support the spine.

It also helps open the front of the body and massages the core muscles. To do this exercise, lie on your stomach with your arms out in front of you.



Lift your toes and legs a few inches off the floor. Pause and then slowly lower everything back down for 30 seconds.

25. Toe Taps


Toe Taps Exercise

Toe tap is another fun exercise activity you can do from bed. To start a toe taps exercise, lie on your back towards the foot of your bed. Hold your legs up, bend at the knees.

You are kind of making a 90-degree angle with your legs. As you exhale, bring one leg down over the bed.

At the same time, suck your abdomen in tightly. Pull your leg back up as you inhale. Repeat with the other side for 20 minutes or more.



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