How to Get A Guy To Like You



Tips On How To Get A Guy To Like You

Being in love is every woman’s dream and to get a guy to like you is every girl’s desire because love encompasses a strong and intense feeling of deep affection.

Although to get a guy to like you may seem very hard to achieve, it is very simple if you are committed to it.


How To Get A Guy To Like You

Maybe you have a huge crush on a guy and you want him to want you back. Maybe you have been friends and you caught feelings with him and you want to make sure he feels the same way.

Or probably, you are just into him, and you want to make him fall in love with you and thinking how to do it. It is simpler than you might think.


How To Get A Guy To Like You

Guys, it appears, always want what they can’t have. And that is the real secret behind knowing how to get a guy to like you.

In this article, you will get to learn some of the basics that girls can do in order to attract a guy to their side and make him fall in love.

Tips On How To Get A Guy To Like You

While you can’t force someone to feel a certain way, you can definitely put your best foot forward and give his feelings a chance to develop.

Here are some romantic tips on how to ‘charm’ a guy, while still being true to yourself


Tips On How To Get A Guy To Like You

1. Be Confident



This is probably the most important factor in learning how to get a guy to like you. You need to be confident, and you need to show that you love yourself. Be comfortable in your own skin. Accept everything about you (height,shape, look) ignore your acne. Like yourself if you want to make him like you.

You have got to show this person how awesome you are, this doesn’t mean you have to be loud, boisterous, arrogant, chatty, or extremely forward. It just means getting to a place where you feel comfortable in your own skin. Guys like confident, interesting girls who lead their own lives.

2. Look Your Best


look Your Best

Without being fake, make an effort to look your best around the guy you like. Guys are visual creatures. So looking your best will simply spin the odds in your favour. But, most importantly, when you look your best you will feel your best is giving you the confidence you need to let your awesome personality shine through.

Dress in clothes you feel comfortable in, be clean and smell nice, a little make-up can go a long way and most essentially smile a lot. Research has found that people become more attractive to others when they smile. So flash those pearly whites as often as possible to look prettier, as well as friendlier and more approachable.

3. Hang Out In The Places He is


Hang Out

A guy can’t fancy you if he doesn’t know you exist. If you haven’t caught his eye yet, then get him to notice you. Hang out in the places he is and make sure you show a little interest and drop small hints that you like him. Introduce yourself somehow and make conversation.

It is nearly impossible for someone to like you if he doesn’t get to know you, unless he “likes” you for all the wrong reasons. Most guys won’t ask you out because they’re afraid of being rejected. Say “Hi”. Say “Good-bye”. Give a little wave. When he reciprocates, you’ll know that you have his attention.

4. Have A Good Sense Of Humour


Have a good sense of humour

When you are working on ways to make a guy fall in love with you, it is essential to smile and laugh. Don’t present an unfriendly face. Be as outgoing, friendly, and social as you feel comfortable being. Guys generally like girls with a sense of humor who can make them feel good. Tell him enjoyable stories, and don’t be afraid to laugh.

Remember not to go overboard and look like a comedian and if you are too serious or straight-faced all the time, he may find you intimidating and unapproachable, which is the last thing you want. Express your sense of humor in your own way. Some people are witty and sarcastic, others can tell hilarious stories, and many people just do quirky things and poke fun at themselves.

5. Give Him Your Attention


Give Him Your attention

When you are talking to him, stare back at him as he talks. Do that in a cute way and when he’s doing something with his own friends or sitting by himself working on something, glance at him now and then. And let him see you do that. Guys like it when a girl gives them attention. By giving him more attention than you are giving other guys, he will wonder if you are interested in him, or just being friendly.

You need to get his attention and make him look at you as something more than just a friend. Also, take opportunities to get involved in things he does. This could also dramatically increase your chances of winning him over. Ask him whether he needs any help to accomplish a task. If he discovers that you are keenly interested in his plans, he will see that you care for him and that you could be a good partner.

6. Text To Follow Up On The Important Stuff


Text Him

If he mentions a huge project coming up at work, shoot him a text that day or before that day to wish him good luck. He will read you remembering as a sign you actually care about what is going on in his life, which he will find cool and nice.

Be busy sometimes. Don’t always text back right away, and make plans to go out with your girlfriends every few Fridays. So seeing how in-demand you are tells him he is competing with others for a spot in your life, a challenge he will gladly take on.

7. Be Open About The Things You Love With Him


Be Open About The Things You Love With Him

When you share the things you love with him, it lightens you up inside. You feel great doing it and the people around you can’t help but feel great as well. It is contagious. They share your passion and your enthusiasm. In most cases, this also makes him want to share his passion with you.

So don’t be afraid to share what you are really passionate about with him. When you do that, you are giving him a glimpse of your most authentic self and if he is attracted to that, he will start to really like you and want to be around you more. Research shows that when you’re talking about something you love, you’ll lighten up and appear even more attractive to everyone around you.

8. Flirt, But Not Too Much


Flirt, But Not Too Much

I highly recommend it because it is fun and you can push the boundaries while keeping it in the fun zone. But don’t go too far with the flirtatious boundaries. Flirt and then pull back a little you are trying to get him to chase you. If you lay out all of your best flirtatious moves right away, well, you won’t last long.

So, act flirty towards him, but not like you are ready to lock it down. You want to make it clear you are interested while letting him know he’s still got some work to do to snag you.

9. Don’t Be Too Easy. Guys Like A Challenge


Don’t Be Too Easy. Guys Like A Challenge

You may be in love with him, but if you really want to get a guy to like you, you need to stick with a few rules. Never make it look easy. When he is around, talk to him but don’t ignore the other guys. Especially when he’s around, flirt with other guys and don’t save all your flirting for the guy you like.

Remember, you haven’t told him you like him. You are only making him curious about you. By flirting back with other guys, you are letting the guy you like know that he needs to try harder to get your attention when there are other guys around. Ignore him for a while, and then, go close to him and give him your full attention. By blowing hot and cold now and then, it would confuse him, and make him crave for your attention.

10. Be Patient


Be Patient

Don’t push him too hard to make important decisions like going into a relationship with you quickly. Be patient and go slowly when trying to get a guy to like and love you for who you are. Don’t expect him to fall in love or say yes to your advances instantly.

Many men will definitely need time to decide whether they are ready to enter into a relationship. If he likes you, he will make it obvious. But don’t ever push him to make a quick decision on whether he likes you or not.

11. Have Good Morals


Good Morales

Good morals are a necessity in convincing a guy to love you. Nobody wants to get involved with someone who can’t be trusted. Guys like girls who are disciplined and are not pushovers. Behave maturely towards him and be respectful, just as you expect him to be respectful towards you.

Also, don’t be too possessive. Many women make the mistake of being too possessive of a man before he even admits his love for them. You may try to protect him from other women so that you will remain the only person in his life. But the strategy is usually doomed. Allow him to decide on what is best for him. If you are the one for him, he will definitely fall in love with you.

12. Live Your Own Life Outside Of His Orbit


Live Your Own Life Outside Of His Orbit

The worst thing that can happen is letting him see that he is the only thing that is going on in your life. Even if that is true, you can’t let him know that. You need to have your own life and activities that don’t include him. Guys are attracted to girls who are usually busy making plans for themselves.

So, cancelling plans at the drop of a hat because your phone buzzes and it is him is not the best strategy to get him to like you. Instead, focus on enjoying your life, even the parts of it that he is not in. Spend time with your friends and doing the things you love to do, and don’t cancel plans just for the chance to hang out with him.

13. Let Him Also Put Some Extra Effort In


Let Him Also Put Some Extra Effort In

If you keep chasing after a man for months while he is going on with his activities, you will most likely be seen as a desperate person. Being available to him always is not really a good thing. Don’t let him get bored. Instead, allow him to make advances towards you.

Many guys enjoy the thrill of the ‘chase.’ Catch his eye and his attention, and then let him work a little to win you over. Let him notice how much he misses you when you are not around. As soon as he suspects he’s falling in love with you, he will definitely do something to get you.

14. Get to Know His Friends


Get to Know His Friends

Guys love their friends, so its essential that any potential girlfriend gets along with them. For this reason, it is extremely worth your time to get to know his friends and let them see you as a “cool girl”. If you can get his friends on your team, that is a major bonus. They will root for you and bring you up around him, even when you are not there.

Whenever you get to meet a good friend of his or bump into his group of friends, stay a while and chat with them. Be warm and sweet, and at times, even border on mild flirting. Floor his friends with your wit and sweetness, and they will fall in love with you. And when they meet the guy you like, they are obviously going to tell him what an awesome girl you are and he will start to notice how special and coveted you actually are.


How to Get A Guy To Like You

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