24 Ways Exercise Improves Your Health


Health Benefit Of Exercise

Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Exercise can also be referred to as any movement that makes your muscles work and requires your body to burn calories.


Health Benefit Of Exercise

There are many types of physical activity,which includes swimming, running, jogging, walking and dancing.


Health Benefit Of Exercise

This activities is performed for various reasons, including increasing growth and development, preventing aging, strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss amidst others.


Health Benefits Of Exercise

Exercise offers incredible benefits that can improve nearly every aspect of your health from the inside out. Regular physical activity can increase the production of hormones that make you feel happier and help you sleep better.


Health Benefits Of Exercise

To get the most benefit, you should try to get the recommended amount of exercise for your age. If you can do it, the payoff is that you will feel better, help prevent or control many diseases, and likely even live longer.


Health Benefits Of Exercise

Whether you practice a specific sport or follow the guideline of 150 minutes of activity per week, you will inevitably improve your health in many ways.


Health Benefits Of Exercise

Benefits Of Exercise


Health Benefits Of Exercise

Benefits of regular physical activity reduce your risk of a heart attack, manage your weight better, have a lower blood cholesterol level. lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers, have lower blood pressure. have stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing osteoporosis.


Health Benefits Of Exercise

Here are the top 24 ways regular exercise  can benefits your body and brain.

1. Exercise Reduce Risk Of Heart Diseases

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Exercise Reduce Risk Of Heart Diseases

Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

Lack of regular physical activity is a primary cause of chronic disease. Regular exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular fitness and body composition, yet decrease blood pressure and blood fat levels

2. Exercise Help control Your Weight


Exercise Help control Your Weight

Along with diet, exercise plays an important role in controlling your weight and preventing obesity. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat and drink must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat and drink.

To understand the effect of exercise on weight reduction, it is important to understand the relationship between exercise and energy expenditure. Your body spends energy in three ways: digesting food, exercising and maintaining body functions like your heartbeat and breathing.

While dieting, a reduced calorie intake will lower your metabolic rate, which will delay weight loss. On the contrary, regular exercise has been shown to increase your metabolic rate, which will burn more calories and help you lose weight.

3. Exercise Strengthen Bones And Muscles


Exercise Strengthen Bones And Muscles

Exercise plays a vital role in building and maintaining strong muscles and bones. Physical activity like weight lifting can stimulate muscle building when paired with adequate protein intake.

This is because exercise helps release hormones that promote the ability of your muscles to absorb amino acids. This helps them grow and reduces their breakdown. Also, exercise helps build bone density when you are younger, in addition to helping prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Interestingly, high-impact exercise, such as gymnastics or running, or odd-impact sports, such as soccer and basketball, have been shown to promote a higher bone density than non-impact sports like swimming and cycling. Regular exercise can help kids and teens build strong bones.

4. Exercise Help Body Manage Blood Sugar And Insulin Levels


Exercise Help Body Manage Blood Sugar And Insulin Levels

Exercise can lower your blood sugar level and help your insulin work better. This can cut down your risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. And if you already have one of those diseases, exercise can help you to manage it. Reduce your risk of some cancers, including colon, breast , uterine, and lung cancer.

5. Exercise Help Quit Smoking


Exercise Help Quit Smoking

Exercise may make it easier to quit smoking by reducing your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It can also help limit the weight you might gain when you stop smoking.

6. Exercise Improve Mental Health And Mood


Exercise Improve Mental Health And Mood

Exercise helps people to relax, improves sleep and reduces muscular tension. That glow of relaxation after a workout is restorative. Research shows that one of the best things a person can do when depressed is to force themselves to exercise. The mood elevation effect is immediate. During exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. This can help you deal with stress and reduce your risk of depression.

7. Exercise Improves Brain Function


Exercise Improves Brain Function

Exercise help you keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. Exercise stimulates your body to release proteins and other chemicals that improve the structure and function of your brain.

Moreover, the ability of exercise to prevent chronic disease can translate into benefits for your brain, since its function can be affected by these diseases. Regular physical activity is especially important in older adults since aging combined with oxidative stress and inflammation promotes changes in brain structure and function.

8. Exercise Reduce Risk Of falling


Exercise Reduce Risk Of falling

For older adults, research shows that doing balance and muscle-strengthening activities in addition to moderate-intensity aerobic activity can help reduce your risk of falling.

9. Exercise Improve Sexual Health


Exercise Improve Sexual Health

Engaging in regular exercise can strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation, tone muscles and enhance flexibility, all of which can improve your sex life. Physical activity can improve sexual performance and sexual pleasure, as well as increase the frequency of sexual activity

It was deduced that regular exercise may lower the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. For those who already have ED, exercise may help improve their sexual function. In women, exercise may increase sexual arousal.

10. Exercise Increase Chances Of Living Longer


Exercise Increase Chances Of Living Longer

Studies show that physical activity can reduce your risk of dying early from the leading causes of death, like heart disease and some cancers.

11. Exercise Help Skin Health


Exercise Help Skin Health

Your skin can be affected by the amount of oxidative stress in your body. Oxidative stress occurs when the body is antioxidant defenses cannot completely repair the damage that free radicals cause to cells. This can damage their internal structures and deteriorate your skin.

Even though intense and exhaustive physical activity can contribute to oxidative damage, regular moderate exercise can increase your body’s production of natural antioxidants, which help protect cells. In the same way, exercise can stimulate blood flow and induce skin cell adaptations that can help delay the appearance of skin aging.

12. Exercise Improve Relaxation and Sleep Quality


Exercise Improve Relaxation and Sleep Quality

Exercise can help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. In regards to sleep quality, the energy depletion that occurs during exercise stimulates recuperative processes during sleep. However, the increase in body temperature that occurs during exercise is thought to improve sleep quality by helping it drop during sleep. Therefore, regular exercise can help you relax and sleep better.

13. Exercise Increase Your Energy Levels


Exercise Increase Your Energy Levels

Exercise can be a real energy booster for healthy people, as well as those suffering from various medical conditions. One study found that six weeks of regular exercise reduced feelings of fatigue for 36 healthy people who had reported persistent fatigue.

Furthermore, exercise can significantly increase energy levels for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and other serious illnesses. In fact, exercise seems to be more effective at combating CFS than other treatments, including passive therapies like relaxation and stretching.

14.  Exercise Make You Feel Happier


Exercise Make You Feel Happier

Exercise has been shown to improve mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and stress. It produces changes in the parts of the brain that regulate stress and anxiety. It can also increase brain sensitivity for the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which relieve feelings of depression.

Additionally, exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are known to help produce positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain. Exercise can also help anxiety people to be more aware of their mental state and practice distraction from their fears.

15. Exercise Increase Strength And Flexibility


Exercise Increase Strength And Flexibility

If strength training and stretching aren’t a part of your fitness routine, it is time to incorporate them. Though many adults engage in cardio activities, quite a few stay away from resistance training and building muscle and that is a mistake.

Strength training, whether you are lifting weights, doing body-weight exercises or incorporating yoga moves, helps improve muscle strength and muscle mass, particularly important as we age. It also keeps bones strong, thus serving as a great natural treatment for osteoporosis.

Also, stretching increases your body’s flexibility, helping everyday tasks become easier. It also sends more blood to your muscles, improving circulation, and can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Just a few minutes a day of deep stretching can make a difference.

16. Exercise Improve Human Memory


Exercise Improve Human Memory

Are you constantly misplacing your keys or struggling to recall names? Exercising regularly can help jog your memory. A 2014 study found that aerobic exercise, like running or swimming, boosts the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, in women with a recognized risk factor for dementia. Besides looking to brain food to boost your memory and mental skills, start breaking a sweat.

17. Exercise Boosts Immunity


Exercise Boosts Immunity

Exercise reduces people’s chances of developing and dying of illnesses such as heart disease. It does this by lowering illness risk factors such as triglyceride and overall cholesterol levels, while improving the level of HDL (the “good” cholesterol which is thought to reduce the risk of heart disease).

Weight-bearing exercise and strength training activities help to maintain or increase bone mass, reducing a person’s risk for osteoarthritis and associated bone fractures. Regular exercise also lowers resting blood pressure rates for hours after an exercise session is over.

In addition, moderate exercise may significantly reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes. Arthritics who exercise often experience more strength and flexibility in their affected joints as well as a reduced pain levels.

18. Exercise Lets You Eat More


Exercise Lets You Eat More

Muscle burns more calories at rest than body fat. So the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. And, of course, you also burn calories while you are actually exercising which will let you eat more. All this means that “cheating” with a cookie once in a while isn’t going to take you back 10 steps.

“Can you eat anything? No, but you can afford to enjoy some of the things you really like when you exercise regularly. You can better get away with those things in moderation than you can when you are not working out.”

19. Exercise Improves Physical Health


Exercise Improves Physical Health

Physically active individuals have a much better health outlook than their sedentary peers. Even modest regular physical activity has a positive influence on people’s health and vitality. A minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of moderate activity a day most days of the week will benefit health and assist with weight loss.

20. Exercise Helps People Perform Activities Life More Easily


Exercise Helps People Perform Activities Life More Easily

Physically fit people are stronger, healthier and more energetic than sedentary people. They are able to solve problems more readily, deal with stress more effectively, think faster and remember things more efficiently. Overall, activities of daily life become less of a chore for active people.

21. Exercise Let You Get More Done


Exercise Let You Get More Done

Research shows that workers who take time for exercise on a regular basis are more productive and have more energy than their more sedentary peers . While busy schedules can make it tough to squeeze in a gym session in the middle of the day, some experts believe that midday is the ideal time for a workout due to the body’s circadian rhythms.

22. Exercise Help Control Addiction


Exercise Help Control Addiction

The brain releases dopamine, the “reward chemical” in response to any form of pleasure, be that exercise, sex, drugs, alcohol, or food. Unfortunately, some people become addicted to dopamine and dependent on the substances that produce it, like drugs or alcohol. On the bright side, exercise can help in addiction recovery. Short exercise sessions can also effectively distract drug or alcohol addicts, making them de-prioritize cravings (at least in the short term).

23. Exercise Prevent Cognitive Decline


Exercise Prevent Cognitive Decline

It is unpleasant, but it is true, as we get older, our brains get a little hazy. As aging and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kill off brain cells, the noggin actually shrinks, losing many important brain functions in the process. While exercise and a healthy diet can’t “cure” Alzheimer’s, they can help shore up the brain against cognitive decline that begins after age 45 . Working out, especially between age 25 and 45, boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of the brain for memory and learning.

24. Exercise provides socialization opportunities


Exercise provides socialization opportunities

Exercising outside the home, whether at a gym, recreation center, in an exercise class, sport group, walking or running club, etc., all lead to encounters with other people who also enjoy working out. New acquaintances and friendships develop readily in such contexts. Over time, having the pleasure of one’s exercise group’s company becomes another reason to exercise.

Family relationships can benefit from exercise too. The entire family may enjoy a walk or a bike ride with the children in child seats behind the parents. If the family is involved in that very active phase of rearing young children, a parent’s exercise break between work and child responsibilities will likely help them to be a calmer, more able parent.


Health Benefit Of Exercise

Weight loss is the reason many people exercise in the first place. But it is certainly not the sole benefit of an exercise program. Regular exercise makes the heart stronger and the lungs fitter, enabling the cardiovascular system to deliver more oxygen to the body.



Health Benefits Of Exercise

With a goal of losing weight and enhancing health, exercise has to become a part of a person’s life, not an afterthought because being physically active offers benefits far beyond the obvious.

In addition to recommending exercise for general health and well-being, doctors may prescribe specific exercise plans in some situations. Before elective surgery, doctors may recommend people participate in exercise routines to enhance their recovery from surgery.


Health Benefits Of Exercise

Doctors also prescribe specific exercise programs to rehabilitate people after serious injuries or disorders such as heart attacks, strokes, major surgery, or injury.

However, increases in daily activity can come from small changes made throughout your day, such as walking or cycling instead of using the car, getting off a tram, train or bus a stop earlier and walking the rest of the way, or walking the children to school.


Health Benefits Of Exercise

But Note that the benefits of exercise diminish within weeks after a person stops exercising. Heart strength, muscle strength, and the level of HDL cholesterol decrease, whereas blood pressure and body fat increase.

Even former athletes who stop exercising do not retain measurable long-term benefits. However, people who were physically active in the past often can regain fitness faster.


24 Ways Exercise Improves Your Health

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