Stop Putting Pressure On Celebrities To Speak On Issues They Know Nothing About- Latasha Ngwube

TV personality Latasha Ngwube has appealed to fans to stop putting pressure on celebrities too speak on issues they know nothing about. The TV star  shared that a celebrity could be an agent of change but might not be the one to deliver everyone to the promise land.


Latasha Ngwube shared that most famous people have their areas of expertise and issues of governance and politics is one that most are not quite farmiliar with. The curvy beauty explained that celebrities are finding answers to the problems of Nigeria just like everyone else.

\"\"“Stop outsourcing your critical thinking, thought process and common sense to people who excel at things that are NOT your area of expertise- such as singing, dancing, acting, playing football, comedy etc and in the same vein, because our favorite celeb means well doesn’t not mean immediate qualification to lead in politics and such.

Unless they have been through the process of learning about governance, politics or have been working their way up from the grassroots etc they, just like you, are people also looking for answers for a better Nigeria. They have influence, followers in the thousands and millions but that’s about it.

There are a lot of things that can get done using the power and influence of celebrity but for the most part, without a true vision, most celebrities are at best community mobilizers.
Edit: In addition to everything I’ve said, you’re putting undue pressure on someone who just wants to make music without the pressure for them to speak on what they really don’t know or have answers for. It doesn’t mean they don’t support the movement but some celebrities just want to show up and be led by a LEADER just like you and I.
I’ll share more thoughts later. ??


Photo Credit: Getty

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