Young Boy Sleeps With More Than 20 Girls – Guys Check Whether You’re Girlfriend Is Not Here

Young Boy Sleeps With More Than 20 Girls – Guys Check Whether You’re Girlfriend Is Not Here

A Facebook user has posted to social media of a young man who has involved himself with different and numerous girls in love relationship. Indeed this boy look very young and such deeds are totally not expected from him.


\"YoungThis boy has confused many people as where does he takes such energy to get busy with all these women. The number of women that were posted with him were close to 20 and indeed that is too much. Regardless of his young age, this is totally not a good idea to be done by any men.


\"YoungSome men do such act just to prove to his peers that he can do it better than any guy. It is a meaningless competition that serves no good purpose but it can be so harmful to individuals in different ways. As he takes pictures with all these ladies, you can tell that he feel so powerful and he also feels as a real man.


\"YoungThis shouldn’t be taken as a challenge, in nowadays days people attend silly things as a challenge to trend. Many men might fall in this trap as to who can do it better. This need to be avoid indeed simple because there is nothing to be gained in this obsolete activity.

\"YoungLooking at these pictures you can tell that he also appears to be in bedroom and which clearly tells you that they were making love. This has also puzzled other men as how does this boy manage all this busy life of plenty women in his life. It is not known on how he lure all this girls as look so comfortable around him.\"Young

\"YoungIt’s seems as if he chops everything thing coming on his way, some of these girls he posted, looks bit older than him. Facebook couldn’t believe this but it is what it is. We hope this will not become a norm to his peers as this will have very negative effect.

\"YoungIn nowadays we there are many deseases that transmit through sexual activity. HIV and AIDS is one of them that is a chronic desease which not curable. This means you’ll have to live with it forever.

\"YoungSuch behavior must be immediately be reprimanded in advance since it can yield unfavorable results.

Imagine being transmitted with HIV and Aids while you trying to impress your peers or friends. We must be very careful on what we do because we commit mistakes that are not fixable. It is very sad to regret but it means nothing to regret as you were the one who pushed yourself on that trap.

\"YoungThis is not heroic at all and it must not be praised but youth must Educated about social behavior. Peer pressure has been one of the cause for youth to fall in wrong activities that might be a habit and which will makes it hard to move out from. Having many partners has never been a victory, but contrary, it is threat to one’s life. Youth should not risk with their life.


\"YoungIn these days, COVID19 is hitting very bad and people have been advised to be keep distance in order to avoid spread of this pandemic. Looking this guy, he wouldn’t know who have this pandemic and who doesn’t have it as he is involved with different girls. Having COVID19 and HIV at the same time that would be a double trouble disaster.

\"YoungSeemingly they are in different bedrooms and it is suspected that he books accommodations and that might be so costly on his pocket.

\"YoungUnplanned teenage pregnancies has been an issue around the world and it is somehow disturbs the youth educational wise and health wise.

This kind of life will confuse such men as to who do they really love. In your heart, there must be a person that you love dearly, you fall for every once. You can’t fall for everyone.





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