Ivorian Doll Gets Things Lit On “Clout”

Ivorian Doll seemingly popped out of the blue. Declaring herself the “Queen Of Drill” on her debut single, she evidently set the bar high, considering just how saturated the drill market is. Nonetheless, she rose to the occasion every time and she’s well on her way to having a massive year ahead of her.

After receiving a bit of acknowledgment from Nicki Minaj, an evident influence, Ivorian Doll adds up all the wins she’s taken this year on her latest offering, “Clout.” Punching through the sinister production with confidence, Ivorian Doll rightfully declares herself the “baddest bitch in town” as she reflects on the fake friends and snakes that she’s come to face in her recent success.

Check out Ivorian Doll’s latest single “Clout” below.

Quotable Lyrics
I’m the youngest of Barbies
I might come with my chargie
Or with my army
I’m with Ed, no Hardy
But if we cut through, they might lockarff the party

Source: HNH

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