Mystikal Cleared Of Rape Charges After Grand Jury Fails To Indict: Report

A case that has been following Mystikal since 2016 has reportedly been put to rest. Four years ago, the No Limit and Cash Money icon performed at a casino, and later, a woman claimed that the rapper sexually assaulted her at the location. The following year, he was charged with first-degree rape and second-degree kidnapping, so he turned himself over to authorities. For 18 months, Mystikal remained behind bars until he posted the $3 million bond in February of this year. 

Prosecutors attempted to strike a plea deal with the rapper but his team refused. TMZ reports that the defense was sure they would be able to beat the charges because they believed that the alleged victim wasn’t credible. On Thursday (December 17), the outlet reported that the charges against Mystikal have been dismissed altogether after a grand jury failed to indict over a lack of evidence.

Mystikal has maintained his innocence regarding this case. This wasn’t the rapper’s first arrest: in 2003, he served six years in prison after he pleaded guilty to sexual battery and extortion charges. Prosecutors stated that the rapper and his bodyguards accused a woman of stealing $80K worth of checks so they forced her to perform oral sex on them during an incident that they filmed. He’s reportedly registered as a sex offender. Later, Mystikal had issues over unpaid taxes and in 2012 he was reportedly taken into custody for domestic battery.


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