Woman Pastor Explains How Love Making Should Be Done In The Bedroom In Hilarious Video

Woman Pastor Explains How Love Making Should Be Done In The Bedroom In Hilarious Video

A woman of God based in Nigerian has explained to her congregation how lovemaking should be done in the bedroom.

According to the female pastor in the viral video privy to Lifestyle.ng, this is what the scriptures entail. She noted that lovemaking is just like a fellowship.

Woman Pastor Explains How Love Making Should Be Done In The Bedroom In Hilarious Video

“Lovemaking is a fellowship and in a fellowship, there’s an opening prayer. After opening prayer praise and worship, somebody can even solo it…

And after praise and worship offering, there has to be an offering before the main message. And after the main message do not be in a hurry to go, share the grace. Eh share the Grace.” the woman pastor detailed in his preaching.

According to the female pastor, this is what the scriptures entail.

She noted that lovemaking is just like a fellowship.

“Lovemaking is a fellowship and in a fellowship, there’s an opening prayer. After opening prayer praise and worship, somebody can even solo it…

And after praise and worship offering, there has to be an offering before the main message. And after the main message do not be in a hurry to go, share the grace. Eh share the Grace.” the woman pastor detailed in his preaching.

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Source: Lifestyle.ng

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