All Tertiary Schools Open Next Week For Final Year Students

All Tertiary Schools Open Next Week For Final Year Students

All Tertiary Schools Open Next Week For Final Year Students

President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana said late Sunday that tertiary schools will reopen on Aug. 24 for students who have yet to complete the academic year.

The government will put in place necessary preventive measures to allow students to return to school safely, Akufo-Addo said during his 15th COVID-19 national address.

“Government, through the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service, will ensure that all these tertiary institutions are disinfected.

“Universities will be equipped with necessary personal protective equipment and those with their hospitals and clinics will have isolation centers to deal with positive cases,” Akufo-Addo added.

The president said there will be no mass gatherings, sporting activities or religious activities on campus.

Schools in Ghana were closed on March 16, four days after Ghana recorded its first two coronavirus cases.

By Sunday, Ghana has registered 42,532 coronavirus cases, with 231 deaths and 40,362 recoveries.

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