Anthony Joshua Is Trending…….This Is Why

Nigerian-born British heavyweight champion, Anthony Joshua is not trending on Twitter for his boxing skills but for the fight against racism.

He supported the fight against racism at a Black Lives Matter march where he spoke against gangsterism that the blacks have been labeled with and called on the fellow race to patronize only businessmen from the black community.

This didn’t, however, go down well with some people on Twitter who felt that such a position is even racist in nature as well.

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Joshua, who said racism itself is a pandemic while addressing protesters, wearing a knee brace as a “precautionary measure”, read a poem and spoke in front of hundreds of people in his home town of Watford.

“The virus has been declared a pandemic. This is out of control. And I’m not talking about Covid-19. The virus I’m talking about is called racism.”

“We stand united against a virus which has been instrumental in taking lives, taking lives of the young, old, rich, poor; a virus which is unapologetic and spreads across all sectors.”

Joshua, who came to the march on crutches later resorted to a scooter after he felt a “twinge” in his left knee during training this week.

His spokesman has said that it will be further checked by his doctors but there is no immediate concern. He added that the brace is a precautionary measure on the advice of physios.

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On Saturday, there were several protests across the country following the death of American George Floyd, who died while being arrested on 25 May in Minneapolis. The four officers involved have since been charged over the death, which sparked days of protest in the US and Black Lives Matter demonstrations across the world.

See some of the comments on Twitter over Joshua’s comments.


Anthony Joshua should give back all the money white people have gave him, lost all respect for the man.

— Deaan (@DeanHallbert) June 7, 2020

Anthony Joshua subtle racist remark is so unfortunate. Thus is a case of a racist fighting racism. I’m highly disappointed

— BlaqueTruth (@blaque_truth) June 7, 2020

90% of Anthony Joshua’s sponsors…..

— Hurricane (@CraigLaughland) June 7, 2020

Fuck Anthony Joshua #AllLivesMatter

— Richard Johnston (@Harpo_FTG) June 7, 2020

But it was ok when John Boyega did it? Hmmm I sense an agenda against Anthony Joshua here…

— A N T (@cockymcgreggy) June 7, 2020

“Show them(racist) where it hurts, abstain from spending monies in their(racist) shops and economies and support black owned businesses “ – Anthony Joshua

— ???? ??????? ???? ? (@lordrapture77) June 7, 2020

Really disappointing from Anthony Joshua encouraging black people to only buy from black businesses

— Rikki Doolan (@RikkiDoolan) June 6, 2020

. Anthony Joshua Is Trending…….This Is Why Follow AllNigeriaInfo.

Anthony Joshua Is Trending…….This Is Why

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