CAN Urges Churches To Open Food Banl For Members


The Christian Association of Nierian, CAN

The Kaduna State Chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, has urged Churches in the state to open a food bank so that wealthy members can donate food to assist the needy among them.

This is contained in a statement issued on Thursday by the chairman of the Kaduna chapter, Rev. John Joseph Hayab.

He also cited the scripture in Acts 4:32-35 where all the believers then were one in heart and mind, having everything in common and bringing from their blessings to the church food bank so that there should be no one that is hungry.

The statement reads: “While we remain obedient to constituted authority, we strongly employ us all to truly be our brothers’ keepers at this trying moment when many in our midst hardly have something to eat or feed their families. I, therefore, call on our churches to please open Food Bank so that privileged members can bring food there to be shared to those who do not have so that they too will have something to eat.”

He added, “This call is in obedience to the scripture in Acts 4:32-35 where all the believers then were one in heart and mind, having everything in common and bringing from their blessings to the church food bank so that there should be no one that is hungry.

“This spirit should be seen practically demonstrated in our lives, both in churches and community at this critical time. Touching the lives of others no matter how little should not be neglected among us, but we should help each other materially so that while praying and trusting God Almighty for divine healing and a permanent solution to mitigating this pandemic, our faith should be seen moving along with our works just as the Bible says Faith without works is death. It is selfish and ungodly to tell a hungry man to just pray without helping to care for his stomach.”

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CAN Urges Churches To Open Food Banl For Members

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