Chile elects 35-year-old leftist Gabriel Boric as next president


Factual Pursuit of Truth for Progress


Chileans on Sunday elected Gabriel Boric, a leftist millennial as their next President. Boric gained prominence as a student leader during anti-government protests in 2020 and 2020.

His rival, José Antonio Kast, conceded defeat about 90 minutes after the conclusion of the polls with Boric leading him by a wider-than-expected 12 percentage points, according to incomplete results.

Boric will be the youngest leader in modern Chilean history, and the second-youngest leader in the West, following San Marino’s Giacomo Simoncini.

Outgoing President Sebastian Pinera, a conservative billionaire, congratulated Boric on a publicly broadcast video call and pledged his government’s support during the three-month transition period.

Boric vowed to do his “best to rise to this tremendous challenge.”

Boric contested on a platform of fighting climate change and economic inequality, reducing the workweek to 40 hours from 45, and transforming Chile’s health care and private pensions systems — holdovers from the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet — into a more European-style social democratic model, all “without veering toward the authoritarianism embraced by so much of the left in Latin America, from Cuba to Venezuela,” The Associated Press reports.

Chileans recently voted to replace Pinochet’s constitution with a new one, and the late Pinochet, who took control of Chile in a 1973 coup and ruled until 1990, loomed over the polarizing election. Kast, whose older brother was a top adviser to Pinochet, defended the former dictator, under whom more than 3,000 people were killed or disappeared by the state.

It also emerged during that campaign that Kast’s German emigrant father was a card-carrying member of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party.

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