COVID-19: Mosques Can’t Continue To Be Closed – MUSWEN


LAGOS, NIGERIA – SEPTEMBER 12: Muslims perform the Eid Al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) prayer at Center mosque in Lagos, Nigeria on September 12, 2016. Muslims worldwide celebrate Eid Al-Adha, to commemorate the holy Prophet Ibrahim?s (Prophet Abraham) readiness to sacrifice his son as a sign of his obedience to God, during which they sacrifice permissible animals, generally goats, sheep, and cows. Eid-al Adha is the one of two most important holidays in the Islamic calendar, with prayers and the ritual sacrifice of animals. (Photo by Sodiq Adelakun/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

The Muslim Ummah of South-West Nigeria, MUSWEN, has expressed displeasure at the continued closure of mosques due to COVID-19.

The group called on others like the Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), the Muslim Ummah of South-West Nigeria (MUSWEN), the Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) to come up with a plan to ensure that worship does not seize.

MUSWEN made its plight known in a communique issued after a webinar on “Covid-19: Effects and Muslims Responses” which was signed by the Executive Secretary/CEO, Professor Muslih Tayo Yahya.

The group said, “The consequences of “COVID-19” have been devastating in many ways, the Pandemic has taken many lives and the lockdown has prevented the Ummah from many acts of ‘Ibadah for which Allah SWT had promised lots of reward in this world and in the Hereafter, but nevertheless, it has kept families together, discouraged unnecessary external interactions and at the same time forced believers to learn new ways of reaching out to distant relations and the rest of the Ummah to share knowledge and exchange views equally beneficial to the Ummah in this world and in the Hereafter.

“Apparently, the “COVID-19” experience has turned out to be a trial from Allah in the manner He the Almighty had indicated in the Qur’an, to enable believers learn lessons of Iman (faith), Ikhlas (Sincerity of purpose), Taqwa (Consistent consciousness of Allah) and of laying less emphasis on materialism in the process of living and pursuit of livelihood. Persistent sins of man and deviation from the ways of Allah might have kindled this situation as a punishment from Allah.

The groups recommendation: “The United Nations Organization (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO) and all regional international organizations in the world should endeavor to interact in matters of politics, economy and culture in ways that would promote world peace and encourage working together for the greater benefit of humanity and desist from creating atmospheres of unhealthy rivalry and mutual suspicion.

“Governments, Religious and Social organizations and the citizenry should all see “COVID-19” as a common enemy and work individually and collectively to tackle its menace with a view to ensuring that it does not constitute a permanent threat to safety and the economic, spiritual and social well being of the human society.

“Governments, Religious and Social organizations and the citizenry should all see “COVID-19” as a common enemy and work individually and collectively to tackle its menace with a view to ensuring that it does not constitute a permanent threat to safety and the economic, spiritual and social well being of the human society.

“Scholars and experts under the auspices of notable Islamic umbrella organizations such as the Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), the Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN), the Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) should put heads together individually and collectively and come up with the best ways to maintain meaningful acts of worship in the atmosphere of “the new norm”.

“Every individual should take personal responsibility to protect themselves against “COVID-19” by observing with every sense of seriousness, the recommended preventive measures advised by governments and experts; governments should however ensure that the health-care centres have adequate facilities to promptly handle fresh cases, while frantic efforts continue towards finding lasting remedy to the Pandemic.

“Before mosques and other worship places are declared safe for use by worshippers, regular sanitization of such places by fumigation and the provision of hygiene enhancing equipment should be jointly provided as a matter of responsibility, by governments and worship groups to ensure that such places do not only remain open to worshippers but are visibly safe.

“Every family should imbibe the spirit of togetherness, learn to permanently avoid unnecessary interactions through social parties and gatherings, and make the best of the new and safe ways of interaction even in learning and trading.

“Prayer remains the sword and shield of the believer; all believers should be constant in prayers and supplication, seek forgiveness of Allah, desist from evil deeds and show kindness to one another in order to attract the mercy and blessings of Allah.

“Oh Allah, forgive our sins and guide us to the most appropriate remedy to the ravaging “COVID-19” and enable us to gather in Your holy places to worship You in ways most pleasing to You”.

. COVID-19: Mosques Can’t Continue To Be Closed – MUSWEN Follow Concise News.

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