COVID-19: See How 99-year Old British War Veteran Captain Tom Moore £18m for NHS

99-year Old British War Veteran Captain Tom Moore has been in the news for some days after helping to raise 18 million pounds for the NHS in the fight against COVID-19 through his JustGiving page.

Reacting to the feet, many celebrities have been lauding his feat. One of them are Prince William and Kate Middleton who commended the war veteran via a message describing him as a one-man fundraising machine who’s inspired, everyone. They also made a secret donation as total hits £18 million with £5m raised in just 24 hours.

Overwhelmed by the message Captain Moore, who has captured the imagination of the public with his fundraising described it as amazing.

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While watching a video message recorded by them, the Second World War hero, who walked 100 laps of his garden and finished his 2,530-yard trek at his home in the Bedfordshire village of Marston Moretaine with a huge smile yesterday was excited to be commended by the royals.

Having been lauded for his actions, Boris Johnson’s official spokesman last night hinted at a possible knighthood for the war veteran. This means the call of the over 800,000 who have signed petitions calling for him be knighted is being heard.

Captain Moore will turns 100 on April 30. He initially planned to raise £1,000 when he started out on his fundraising journey.

In an interview with BBC Breakfast this morning, Prince William described Captain Moore’s efforts as incredible.

“It’s amazing. What I love also is that he’s a 99-year-old war vet, he’s been around a long time, he knows everything and it’s wonderful that everyone has been inspired by his story and his determination.

‘I think he’s a one-man fundraising machine and God knows what the final total will be but good on him. I hope he keeps going’.

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To which Captain Moore responds, after watching the interview: ‘Well that I think that is absolutely amazing. That my super prince can say something like that.’

. COVID-19: See How 99-year Old British War Veteran Captain Tom Moore £18m for NHS Follow iDONSABI.

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