Dr Kwame Fordjour In Trouble As United Nations Releases Disclaimer Amid Fake Awards Saga

Dr Kwame Fordjour In Trouble As United Nations Releases Disclaimer Amid Fake Awards Saga

Dr Kwame Fordjour In Trouble As United Nations Releases Disclaimer Amid Fake Awards Saga

Dr. Kwame Fordjour aka Dr. UN has found himself in big trouble as the United Nations reacts over the ‘Fake UN Kofi Annan Awards’ saga.

The United Nations has released a disclaimer amid the brouhaha.

According to the United Nation, there are by no chance affiliated with the Blueprint Global Challenge Awards, nor with the organization (Blueprint Mission) or its personnel in any way, shape or form.

In simple words, the United Nations is saying there are in no chance affiliated with Dr. Kwame Fordjour.

Read the full statement from the United Nation below or visit Lifestyle.ng for more stories.

The attention of the United Nations in Ghana has been drawn to news reports of an award purported to be associated with the United Nations and the Kofi Annan Foundation.

The United Nations in Ghana wishes to state categorically that the United Nations (neither in Ghana or anywhere else) has no affiliation with the Blueprint Global Challenge Awards, nor with the organization (Blueprint Mission) or its personnel in any way, shape or form.

The UN advises that all genuine UN notices follow strict rules and procedures and are announced/published on UN websites. We advise the general public to access genuine information by visiting the relevant UN agencies’ websites or the UN Ghana website (https://ghana.un.org/en).

Check out a screenshot below:

Source: Lifestyle.ng

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