Four Things You Should Not Do When You Meet Masquerade – Lifestyle Nigeria ?Today News

Masquerades are very common in many Nigerian cultures and based on variations there are expectations on what to do and not to do when you meet a masquerade. Though they are hardly seen except for very important events, such as special religious festivities or a funeral of a great person; they storm the streets during December, most especially in villages.

Don’t take picture without permission

Many people everywhere don’t like you to take their pictures without permission. If you want to take pictures of masquerades in most cases, you would need to ask politely and probably have to give them some money for appeasement. However, you can try to sneak a picture or two if you know they aren’t looking.

Ebonyi state governement lodge Abuja

Don’t run

Some people, including adults, get scared at seeing masquerades and start running. If you run, they will chase you and flog you, and you will just end up being part of the whole show. Stand your ground.

Don’t be forced to give money

Once you show fear, the masquerades will hold and scare you till you give them some money. They can go to the extent of flogging you. Be polite but firm, and let them know that you will not take any disrespect. If you feel like giving them money though, that’s also fine.

Avoid  fear

As a passer-by, resident or traveler, you may meet a masquerade who would accost you with their whips and canes, trying to get a rise out of you.

This is the whole bane of the encounter because if you show fear, they will take advantage of that to harass you into doing what they want.

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