Fresh Crisis Rocks Delta APC As Blame Game Continues


Senator Ovie Omo-Agege’s  Aide attack Great Ogboru, insisted no violence

Delta APC Deputy Chairman has asked  State Chairman, Jones Erue to fires his aide as he narrates what transpired at the Stakeholders Meeting.

It seems the battle for the soul of Delta APC is not yet over. The Stakeholders Meeting held recently has opened fresh wounds.

Sahara Reporters in a publication has  Claimed that there was  violence during the Delta State APC stakeholders meeting. But in Swifty responses to the report, Chuks Awo Erhire, Senior Special Adviser on Constituency Matters to the Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, in a press release Debunked the report, insisted there was no Violence during the meeting. He claimed  the meeting was held successfully with over 95 per cent of the invited stakeholders in attendance.

He said, Credible information point to Chief Ogboru as the architect and sponsor of the unwarranted attacks on a few Party members as they made their way join the gathering.

Delta APC deputy Chairman, Elvis Ayomnanor, has asked the State Chairman, to call the so-called Nick Ovuakporie to order, asking him, to stop parading himself as the media director of Delta APC, affirming that there was no time Ovuakporie was appointed.

Elvis narrates what happened at the state secretariat.

The statements read,

Re: Delta APC Registration Exercise ends in chaos as DSP Ovie Omo-Agege & State Chairman Prophet Jones Ode Erue escape

The Constituency Office of the Deputy President of the Senate, His Excellency Senator Ovie Omo-Agege has read the vexatious piece of falsehood published by Sahara Reporters with the above Caption.

It is rather sad that an event that took place in the digital age in the full glare of journalist and eminent Stakeholders of the APC in Delta State can be twisted by some enemies of our Party with the evil intention to mislead the people.

Naturally, the best thing to be done would have been to ignore this mischievous act but we choose to set the records straight because Shakespeare has said that, “to leave an error unrefuted is to create intellectual immorality”.

We wish to state expressly that the Delta State APC Critical Stakeholders meeting scheduled for the State Secretariat in Asaba on Wednesday, 3rd of February was held successfully with over 95% of the invited Stakeholders in attendance. The two National Officers assigned to supervise the exercise in Delta State; Barr. Ahmed Ismael (National Youth Leader, Caretaker) and Ms. Stella Okotete (National Woman Leader, Caretaker) were present before they left to witness a similar event in another South-South State. More so, the entire State Registration Panel appointed by the national leadership of our Party led by Hon. Anyaegbu Austin Wilson, Chairman of the Delta State Panel were all in attendance.

It, therefore, beats our imagination that Sahara Reporters could shamelessly go to press to feed the public with falsehood, solely with the intent to maligning the Person and Office of the DSP. This misadventure by Sahara Reporters presents her as a media house that can never be trusted as they lack the elementary prerequisites of investigative journalism.

That said, it is regrettable that, at a time when we are closing ranks towards building a bigger, more united and truly progressive family, Chief Great Ogboru would yield himself as a tool to sponsoring confusion and unnecessary wranglings within our Party, APC. Credible information point to Chief Ogboru as the architect and sponsor of the unwarranted attacks on a few Party members as they made their way to joining the gathering. Suffice to say that that minor show of shame, however small, was part of a grand plan to disrupt the meeting but it failed. We wish to inform Chief Great Ogboru and his co-conspirators that party membership and privileges are never the exclusive rights of any single individual. Interests of party members make Party politics interesting but respect for the rights of others strengthens the fulcrum upon which Democracy thrives.

It is therefore provocative to fight others endlessly and attempt to stop them from aspiring to heights we couldn’t reach.

We urge our Party men and women to discountenance the disingenuous claim that the Deputy President of the Senate, His Excellency Senator Ovie Omo-Agege and the State Chairman, Prophet Jones Ode Erue *escaped” from the meeting; those are the handiwork of the enemies and part of their media onslaught.

Indeed, it is our firm belief that, for someone to claim that an event that went on hitch free from the beginning to the closing, ended in chaos suggests that some enemies of our party had plotted to disrupt the meeting but God shamed them.

Let it be stated clearly that had anybody raised a finger on the vehicle of the DSP at the gate, let alone the DSP himself, by now the State would have been made too hot for all the conspirators, their collaborators and their hired thugs. While we would resist attempts to take us back to the dark days, we wish to state unequivocally that we will not sit by and allow anyone goes away with the mistaken belief that they hold the monopoly of violence.

In summary, reports of events and proceedings at the meeting were well covered and reported by journalists from reputable media houses across the Nation who were present at the meeting. As for Sahara Reporters and their clients, we wish to warn them to stay away from the Deputy President of the Senate and our Party especially in Delta State, as to do otherwise will be met with proportionate repercussions.

We, therefore, admonish all supporters of the DSP and members of our Party as well as the general public to disregard and ignore the deliberate falsehood spread by the enemies of peace and progress in Delta State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress.

A word is enough for the wise.

SSA, Constituency Matters to the Deputy President of the Senate.

As written by one Nick Ovuakporie. A media Aide to Jones Ode Erue, the Delta APC State Chairman.

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t bother to respond to such irresponsible action being displayed by the so-called Nick Ovuakporie, but considering the times and happenings in the party right now, especially with the level of effort and resources the leaders are putting into the system to ensure lasting peace and unity, it becomes very important and expedient, that I respond to this irresponsibility and prevent reoccurrences of such.

First of all, on that day of the stakeholders meeting, the party-state secretariat was packed full with the party faithful. So virtually everyone knows what happened there, no amount of reportage by any media house or counter stories by any media aide would change the fact that we all witnessed all that happened and would not change whatever impressions that have been created by the actions of certain individuals on that day.

Whether the stakeholders meeting held on that day is not a thing of personal opinion, it was a thing witnessed by all. And it held successfully, even though no major stakeholder of the party showed up, except for the Deputy President of the Senate, an action which probably could be as a result of the irregularities in the composition of the list of stakeholders to attend the meeting.

Though there were pockets of attacks here and there on certain persons perceived to be responsible for the crisis rocking the party in certain areas, the meeting held, though shorter than expected, it still ended with a closing prayer.

It is so unfortunate that in a time like this when we are all trying to preach peace and bring the party together, the State Chairman, Prophet Jones Erue, would allow his media Aide Nick Ovuakporie, to display such high level of childishness and irresponsibility.

Every APC member present at the secretariat on that they knew those attacked and why they were attacked. The attacks were not unconnected with the manipulated list of stakeholders names, in which certain persons in the state exco and
some LGA Chairmen’s names were replaced by persons who are not state exco members or LGA Chairmen.

The DSS Head of Operations approached me, seeking my assistance towards calming down the situation at the secretariat entrance.

I called the state chairman, made my suggestions to him on how to calm the irate youths down, and we both agreed on my suggestions, I called the DSS Head of Operations in the state and the police DPO, they both followed me to meet with Prophet Jones, we told them what we have both agreed upon, and I went with the two of them to the gate, executed our agreement, and everything became calm.

What was our agreement? That all those LGA Chairmen, they illegally replaced should be allowed in, since it was obvious to even a mad man on the streets, that their exclusion from the list was the cause of the whole troubles.

After I identified them, the DSS and the police opened the gate for them to go in, and immediately calm was restored at the gate, since the irate youths, who were fighting for justice felt satisfied, that the needful has been done.

On entering, the state chairman Prophet Jones Erue, asked me if they have been brought in, I told him yes and showed him where they were seated, he went there apologised to them and enjoined them to worked together with others in peace, in the interest of the party, and they were all happy together.

Now a media aide to the state chairman is coming up with such misinformed and malicious writeup, accusing the state gubernatorial candidate, Chief Great Ogboru, who was not even present at the meeting, of being responsible for the reportage of the violence that took place there.

Can u see the irony of this whole display by Nick Ovuakporie, targeted at causing disaffection and creating more tension, In a time when we are all preaching peace and unity, a time when we can say things are gradually getting better, he’s now coming out with an article that fans the embers of war amongst party faithful?

The State Chairman might want to say he’s not a party to and not responsible for Nick’s actions, but I want to make it clear to him, that as far as Nick is his media aide, he has to take responsibility for every actions or inaction of Nick that lead to any issue or conflict.

Leaders must caution their media boys/employee because any action by any employee in the line of his duty is a responsibility of not only the employee, but that of the employer also.

To this end, I want to say the state chairman, who’s my immediate boss, should either fire Nick Ovuakporie as his media boy/employee or caution him and ask him to do a rebuttal to the arrant rubbish he published, which is capable of creating another round of crisis for the party. Except the chairman is owning up to Nick Ovuakporie’s actions and saying that is his own position on the issue.

Finally I would also ask the State Chairman, to also call the so-called Nick Ovuakporie to order, he should stop parading himself as the media director of our great party, at no time was he ever given such appointment.

He should learn to restrict himself to his duties as Media Aide to the state Chairmen, nobody has right to question his position as Aide, since it is the prerogative of the chairman to appoint anybody he wishes as his Aide. But for the party’s state media director, it is the responsibility of the SWC to confer that on anyone, and that was never done. So please Mr Chairman caution your boy Nick on this issue.

Elvis Ayomnanor.
Deputy State Chairman
APC Delta State.

From Ejes Gist Nigeria

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