Gorgeous Aso Ebi Styles A KOKOnista Deserves To Slay In New Gorgeous Aso Ebi Styles A KOKOnista Deserves To Slay In 1

Welcome back from an exciting weekend of Owambes and parties we hope you stayed safe and turned up in the safest way possible. Over the weekend we saw our darling KOKOnistas step out and slay hands down in their gorgeous Aso Ebi styles to the different events they had to be at.


We definitely have to give a massive shoutout to these stylistas for always showing up and showing out without missing a beat and we certainly spotted a few looks that held us spell bound. We have curated these amazing Aso Ebi styles to share with you ahead of your next big event. From the fabrics to the styles then the glam everything was done to perfection. Lets dive into the amazing world of glam and style.
1. Black and Gold never looked so good
2. An angel
3. A babe and a half
4. Baby girl for life
5. Bebe la hot
6. Blue us all away
7. Pepper Dem
8. Pretty in pink
9. Sweet in orange
Photo Credit: Instagram

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