Group preaches against violence, sues for peace ahead general elections

National Association of Seadogs, known as the Pyrates Confraternity, Katamaran Deck, has urged Nigerians to embrace peace and eschew discrimination, violence and crimes in all its forms, especially as the 2023 general elections draw near.

It said this became imperative in order to ensure a peaceful atmosphere throughout the country in the run-up to the polls. Capoon of the Katamaran Deck comprising Ijebu and Remo lands with secretariat in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Mr Olumide Fagbohunka, who stated this, said Nigerian youths must play the role of ambassadors for peace by avoiding being used as thugs and hoodlums by politicians to disrupt the electoral process.

Fagbohunka also warned Nigerians against playing ethnic or tribal politics, saying they should cast their votes in next year’s elections for patriotic and capable leaders that can truly deliver the dividends of democracy. He added that they must also not make themselves willing tools for violence and crimes in the society.

According to him, “Nigerians must strive to build structures for peace and also give peace a chance. Peace is priceless, terror is senseless. 

“So, we must all work for peace at all times. The youths should avoid serving as thugs and hoodlums to politicians. There is nothing you gain at the end of the day than destruction and death.”

The Katamaran Deck Capoon also stressed the need for all Nigerians to join hands with the United Nations as the global body works towards a world free of racism and racial discrimination.

He said they should rather embrace a world where compassion and empathy obliterate suspicion and hatred. He added that building peace is beyond laying down of arms and ending hostilities, stressing that it requires building a society where everyone is given a sense of belonging by being treated equally, regardless of their race.

“Racism is a very dangerous thing. It easily destroys the social fabric of any society as it denies people their fundamental human rights. It is also capable of destabilising societies and undermining democracies as well as government’s legitimacy,” he said.

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