\’How Can You Be Taking People With Religious Studies In Space Centre Instead Of Scientists?\’

The Deputy Senate Majority Leader and Chairman Senate Committee on Science and Technology, Ajayi Boroffice has made a claim about the Nigerian space agency.

According to him, the agency is employing people who have no science background stating that the agency is now employing scientists graduates of religious studies and other unrelated courses.

In a recent submission in Abuja, he said;

“How can you be taking people with religious studies in space centre? It is misemployment when the support staff that constitute about 80 per cent are the workforce. It is wrong.

We need experience. We need scientists to constitute about 70% per cent of the workforce but the reverse is the case.

I learnt that the ICPC is around, scrutinising employment documents, I heard employment is earned with N2 million, N2.5 million. It is sad.

We have to reexamine ourselves. We have to sanitise the space agency so that we can achieve the purpose of nation itself.”

Source: www.ghgossip.com

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