\”I was in so much pain and had heavy periods for three to four weeks.\” – Lifestyle News

Tania Omotayo, a Nigerian businesswoman and model, has spoken candidly about her harrowing struggle with the potentially fatal medical ailment endometriosis.


In the painful condition known as endometriosis, tissues that normally coat the inside of your uterus begin to protrude from the uterus.

In a recent interview with media personality Chude Jideonwo, the model—who once dated award-winning artist Wizkid—discussed the ailment and related how she and her father visited numerous hospitals throughout the world but were unable to receive an accurate diagnosis.

She claimed that for three to four weeks, she had significant bleeding and was in excruciating discomfort. The physicians argued that she was just overreacting and that nothing was wrong with her.

She claimed that after interacting with a model who also had the illness, she was eventually diagnosed with it and that she subsequently had surgery to treat it.

Tania remarked, in part:

Have you seen the scenes in Africa Magic movies where people are rolling about on the floor after dying?

I was in the hospital at the time. Yes, with white physicians treating me like a lunatic. I was yelling and rolling because, in the previous three years, or even ten years prior to that, I had a gut feeling.

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