“I’m That Girl They All Want” Popular Cross Dresser, James Brown Says As He Flaunts His Bikini Dress – Lifestyle Nigeria

James Brown, a well-known Nigerian transgender, recently displayed his bikini on social media.

On his official Instagram account, the well-known transvestite posted the images. View the post’s screen capture by clicking the link below.

According to his statement earlier today, James Brown wrote; “I’m that girl they all want”.

In spite of this, James Brown’s fans continue to comment on his fresh Instagram posts.

Additionally, wearing a one-piece or a bikini has a lot of advantages. And making the appropriate choice might be challenging. Here are some recent photos of James Brown in a bikini;

James Brown is definitely seen flashing a black bikini in the images that were posted above. He made the choice to dress stylishly in order to make a statement.

However, James Brown’s sunglasses and hat kept him out of the direct sun and complemented his attire. He actually has a very good sense of style, and he likes to share his photos on social media.

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