Kiki Mordi Fires Back At Ruona On \’Sex For Grades\’ Allegation


Kiki Mordi and Ruona J. Meyer

Journalist Kiki Mordi has reacted to a claim by Ruona J. Meyer that she’s not the brain behind the Sex For Grades documentary.

The documentary by the BBC details the sexual abuse faced by female students at the hands of lecturers in tertiary institutions in Nigeria and Ghana.

Kiki Mordi is believed to have pitched the idea which resulted in the award-winning documentary that trended in 2020.

This is disputed by Ruona after it was announced that Kiki Mordi won the 2020 Michael Elliott Award for African Storytelling.

She tweeted: “Kiki, make sure this time you at least share whatever prize money there is with O.O and acknowledge her – given this was all her story as pitched, sourced/started.

“Real journalists have honour and also hold themselves to account, not just the government. O.O a fellow female journalist did not get a fair deal, and you remain complicit and a beneficiary of that. The facts, complaints, responses and even her thread are there.

“Better make it right because journalism can’t insist on ethics & fairness from others, yet cheat within.

“For any bright sparks, I was in that newsroom when N.O and O.O pitched that story, so don’t try me today… I suggest you try Jesus instead. He is a better option.”

Reacting to the attack, Kiki Mordi who is among the MTV EMA Generation Change 2020 winners said that Ruona is always like that whenever she wins an award.

She also stated that she’s the reporter on the Sex For Grades documentary and that grievances should be directed to the BBC.

She tweeted: “Every new day I win an award, Ruona loses it. I will never understand what I did to this woman besides unfollowing her on Twitter

“The fact that I’m blocked makes it harder for me to even know what she’s talking about. It’s always some bullshit, are you that bored?

“One minute you’re advising me on how to hog clout and not retweet Fisayo Soyombo’s story. Because I figured you were a vile person, you left me and found your next victim. 50 minutes call the first time you ever spoke to me was to tell me who to hate and who not to hate???

“The point of this particular tweet is that Ruona is a fisherwoman, if you chop her bait you’ll be taken for idiot. If you don’t, she’ll use the idiot that chopped her bait against you. It’s a sad life really.

“There is no side to any story. Investigative journalism is dangerous work. I am the reporter on #SexForGrades Any other questions will have to be directed to the BBC Don’t be roped into Ruona’s joblessness. This isn’t local media where people do what they like

“You must really be foolish to think Ruona is your go-to for “inside scoop” when she’s not even “inside”. Ma’am. Please.

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