Lady Sets V@gina On Fire After Perming Her Pubic Hair Overnight (VIDEO)

A lady who permed her pubic hair has set it on fire and was admitted to the hospital after she cried out for help.

According to the details from a viral video privy to, the young lady said she woke up to see her vagina “on fire”.

Lady Sets [email protected] On Fire After Perming Her Pubic Hair With Overnight (VIDEO)

She further disclosed viral video that when she went for a shower, her pubic hair and skin were going down the drain and she was placed in a diaper thereafter.

When called out for chasing clout, the 34-year-old woman defended herself by saying that she is past that age.

She also disclosed that she does crazy things like that all the time, and not like the girl who used Gorilla glue on her hair.

She actually went the perm on her pubic hair, only to wake up to the horror.

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