Meet The 78-Year-Old Grandfather, Chief Suleiman Adepoju Who Just Became A Lawyer In Oyo

Chief Suleiman Adepoju, a 78 year old graduate of law from Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State has made his dreams come true after becoming a lawyer.

In a fresh interview with The Punch, Adepoju revealed that to contribute to society was the main reason why he decided to return to school at such an age to pursue a law career.

According to the septugenarian, Jurisprudence and Legal Theory, Law of Evidence and Company Law among others were the few courses that were giving him a hard time.

He said;

“I was lucky to be an adorable child, well loved by the generality of people in my immediate environment. l am happy to say with confidence that l enjoyed the goodwill of my parents. So also, l enjoyed the love of my peers. It is the same now by the grace of God.

“My parents were illiterate but they were very good parents, who cared for their children. Within the limit of their resources, they sent me to school. They cared for all of us when they were alive. That’s what I can say about them; may their souls rest in peace.

“My father had two wives and he had 11 children. I am number three. I have two women ahead of me and the others came after me.

“My childhood ambition as a child when I was in secondary school was to be a banker. And God gave me the grace to achieve it. When I left secondary school in 1962, I worked for two years at the National Bank of Nigeria; then I went abroad to study banking. When I came back, I joined Wema Bank in 1972.

“In 1990, I registered to read law at the University of Lagos with the backing of the then Dean of Law Faculty, who was later the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Lagos, the late Prof. Jelili Adebisi Omotola. I was then a director in the bank. My schedule of duty did not allow me to finish the law programme at the time; so, I suspended it. I retired in 1995 and then in 2016 I thought why did’t I go back to this programme?

“That was how I went back to read law at  Lead City University. And to God be the glory, I met very good people, good lecturers and colleagues who were kind to me. I had a very good time in school.”

“I found Criminal Law a bit technical; because of my age, I am not planning to go into litigation, wearing gown and going to court. I’ll like to be a corporate lawyer. After I finish from law school, if God spares my life, I will go back to school to get a master’s degree in law,” he added.



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